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The Mike Church Show-Radio Would Have Thwarted The Trump Assassination Attempt The KingDude
Audio Post Format TheKingDude
Mandeville, LA – Mike Church’s daily Pile of Prep, chock full the latest in RINO hunting that trendy sport making many of the Tea Partiers excited with solutionism, compare that with Mike’s historical viewpoint to help make sense of it all plus other [r]epublican stories used to perform the Mike Church Show on Sirius/XM Patriot channel 125. “For, if we are all individual selves with our own, self-chosen goals, and if there is no higher end toward which we are by nature intended to aim, then there is nothing so special about us, or about the social structures (families, churches, local associations, traditional ways of life) in which we live and find meaning. Man becomes merely another thing to be judged, used, and discarded according to his utility in the projects of the moment being pursued by those with the power to dispose of him.” – Bruce Frohnen, Imaginative Conservative, “What Is This Thing Called Virtue?”
[private FP-Yearly-So76|FP-Yearly|FP-Monthly|FP-Yearly-WLK]
John Taylor of Caroline was the most influential [r]epublican voice of his day and his work remains as necessary reading. This essay by the great Joseph Stromberg, first published in 1982, explains Taylor’s [r]epublicanism and libertarian thought, unlike any other American of his time
S.J. Quinn’s The History of Fredericksburg, VA is a most thrilling historical walk through 18th & 19th century American history &b includes episodes from 1776, 1798 and 1861
One of the most accomplished yet little know Founder AND Christian Gentlemen was John Randolph of Roanoke, I am researching him for reference and for a good volume on his life to republish, this one is rare and good
VIDEO SHOCKER: ESPN Analyst informs viewers that starting sporting events with a “War Anthem” is improper and not an act of sportsmanship. He even goes so far as to make Prof Andrew Bacevich’s argument on the military themes added via flyovers to start the games
Deranged: Ol’ Medusa hair, Debbie Wasserman Schultz previews Congressional Democrats 2014 game plan: campaign on the wonders and success of ObamaCare
The Annapolis city council decides it needs to shut down their newly elected mayor because he is a Republican and not a lib Democrat
Senate geniuses, not content with unconstitutional management of the means of production (the Commerce clause is meant to REMOVE impediments to commerce NOT create them) via 167 regulatory agencies now plan on an encore: Let’s raise the minimum wage and guess what? Senate DeceptiCONS are with them on it
Megan McArdle on how to be friendly/helpful to the poor and still win votes as a Republican, step 1: promote the virtues of marriage
Chris Christy vs the GOP Establishment!? This has to be a joke, Christy advocates nearly every “Establishment” position there is including the most important one: The Military Industrial Complex
Daniel McCarthy: Tea Party types, are on a quest to “hunt “RINO’S to extinction” and there latest loss is the VA governor’s mansion, but it doesn’t end there. I mentioned this e-mail I received last week, sent by a Tea Party group which actually CALLS for a RINO Hunt
Speaking of RINO’s, Chris Christie’s foreign policy views may be worth reconsidering since he is being promoted a “the next big thing” (yea, I know there’s a joke in that sentence!)
“Angry Tea Party” members go “RINO hunting” (see above) and I have to ask the question yet again: exactly when did the GOP become the Party OF “The Tea Party”? How then can the “Tea Party” be an independent voice on anything?
Hey brother, can you spare a dime? Did you know that the Federal gov’t is holding over $18 BILION it owes to citizens? Maybe you need to stake your claim…
DeceptiCONNED: House GOP members begin to alter their defund/repeal strategy to exactly the strategy I predicted: Complain and repair
What is this Thing Called Virtue? Bruce Frohnen points out that the word itself, “virtue” is making a comeback (e.g. you read it in this space nearly daily)
The Enlightenment was all about “freeing” the individual from the institutions, beliefs, and practices the philosophers of the eighteenth century in particular thought held them back from expressing themselves and achieving their own, self-directed lives. Of course, as Edmund Burke well knew, the actual result was to expose our naked, shivering nature in all its weakness, leaving us at the mercy of either the mob or the mob-run state. Unfortunately, we still live in this fantasy world of the autonomous individual who chooses his own “lifestyle” and ideals, constructing life as if it were a house, with the materials and structure open to infinite discussion (provided, of course, he has the financial and other means to fully engage in the process). – Bruce Frohnen
War On Drugs Police State: In the first broadcast episode of “South Park” Eric Cartman & cast obsessed over whether visiting aliens were giving the locals “anal probes”, that was TV and THIS IS REALITY: New Mexico police in search of “drugs” torture man for 14 hours including 2 anal probes
Written by: TheKingDude
todayAugust 28, 2024 104 1
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