Mike Church Presents The Red Pill Diaries Podcasts

Road To Independence 2 CD AUDIO Set – The Story of The Writing of The Declaration of Independence

todayApril 30, 2019 16


In June and July 2007 I began the biggest, dramatic undertaking of my life: writing, narrating and directing The Road To Independence – The True Story of The Writing of The Declaration of Independence. The special was finished in the wee hours of July 3rd, 2007 and aired all day on July 4th, 12 times! on the new Sirius Patriot Channel.

The special was finished in the wee hours of July 3rd, 2007 and aired all day on July 4th, 12 times!

The demand for the feature was so great, we pre-sold over 2,000 copies of the 3 CD set, released in May of 2008 and Founding Father Films was launched.

Don’t wait, place your $20 or more order today and get the Road To Independence on 2 CD set, FREE!

Alas, hard copies of movies and music has taken a beating due to the advent of digital download and streaming copies and the gems of American History from FFF are not immune! This is good news for you because if you make any $20 or more purchase in the Founders Tradin’ Post, I’ll give you the Road to Independence on 2 CD set that includes the beautiful, informative, 8 page production notes and “Timeline” booklet.

This offer will last until one of you purchases the last 2 CD set of this historical tour de force. To take advantage of the offer simply shop today for autographed books by authors you want to learn from by reading like Joseph Pearce and Peter Kwasniewski; Capuchin Dark Roast Coffee; my El Rey Dude cigars and much more including handmade rosaries from the Little Bayou Rosery and yes, Founding Father Films features, for digital download and CD/DVD!

Don’t wait, place your $20 or more order today and get the Road To Independence on 2 CD set, FREE!

Audio Samples from “Mike Church’s Road To Independence”

Richard Henry Lee exhorts to his fellow “Committee of Correspondence Patriots” that “An attack on 1 colony is an attack on all colonies”

VA Patriot George Mason explains his “Declaration of Rights” which sound an awful lot like Jefferson’s, but Mason wrote first.

CIC of the Continental Army George Washington writes passionately about “The Glorious Cause”.

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Host of the Mike Church Show on The Veritas Radio Network's CRUSADE Channel & Founder of the Veritas Radio Network. Formerly, of Sirius/XM's Patriot channel 125. The show began in March of 2003 exclusively on Sirius and remains "the longest running radio talk show in satellite radio history".

Written by: TheKingDude

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