
Romney vs Obama… While Vermont Plots Union’s Demise

todaySeptember 5, 2012 16


Mandeville, LA – Exclusive Transcript – That is happening while the other libs, the ones in Charlotte, are preening and prattling about planning to expand the empire, to increase its immorality, to increase its corruption, to continue the generational theft that is currently going on.  Not only do they not want many of the next generation to be born, those that are born will then have a larger share of the national debt that’s currently being run up in these people’s names to pay back.  Think about that?  It’s not bad enough that they’re pro-abortionists that are all gathered here and cheering wildly about a slaughter of unborn, innocent children.  That’s what was going on at that convention last night, speaker after speaker after speaker.  Not only are they cheering that, but what of those that actually are born and maybe survive these procedures, or who have actual parents that say, “I think when we become pregnant we should actually bring those lives into this world”?  Well, there will be a lot less of them if Democrats and the women’s plumbing caucus that was on parade last night in Charlotte, North Carolina have their way. Check out today’s transcript for more…


Begin Mike Church Show Transcript

Mike:  You people think that I don’t like — those of you that send your hate mail everyday pleading with me to become a member of the decepticon Republican establishment again and just shut up until November, just go on air and basically lie to people and say, “That’s an unqualified endorsement of the Republican ticket from top to bottom because we must save our republic.”  Number one, dude, there is no republic.  We don’t have one.  There hasn’t been a republic in eons.  Two, save it from what?  What do you purport to save it from?  Well, we’re going to save it from Obama.  How did Obama come to be?  Obama came to be because of the abuses of previous presidents and because of the dereliction of duty of previous Congresses and of the vaunted American person.

There’s an awful lot of stuff out there from last night, but does the contest now come down to?  Remember, the final night of the RNC was one of the greatest choreographed television events in history.  This takes the cake.  Remember I said that the RNC should take over the stage planning for the Oscars, for the television awards ceremony.  They put on that good of a show.  Last night, the Democrats did a pretty good job.  On the last night of the RNC, we learned that Governor Romney’s name is not Governor Romney; his name is Mitt.  He was the every dude next door that fixed all of those people’s problems, helped them solve their problems and what have you.

We have a battle of problem solvers here, I guess, if I’m understanding this correctly or reading the proverbial tea leaves correctly.  We have Problem Solver A, who solves problems through his business acumen experience.  We have Problem Solver B, who solves problems by expropriating money that the businessman has earned and giving it to people who haven’t earned it.  It is quite a contest, wouldn’t you say?  What really is at stake here was that announcement or little piece of news release that occurred last night at 6 p.m. Eastern Time, that the national debt had crossed $16 trillion, again a figure exceeding the entire gross domestic output of the European Union for one year.  Does anyone really expect that the vaunted American people are going to pay this back?  Under what plan?  How?  How are you going to pay it back?  It just boggles the mind.

Then what I find really, really, seriously double secret probation interesting is that while the kickoff for the lib-love fest 2012 is going on in Charlotte, North Carolina – -remember, all the delegates and all the great movers and shakers in the Democratic Party and in the liberal movement, or the statist movement, were all gathered in Charlotte to re-nominate President Obama as their standard bearer and as their leader and torch bearer and what have you.  There in the tiny socialist enclave known as Vermont, there is a meeting of minds where they propose, because they’re not happy with socialism and the way it’s going so far, that they don’t want anything to do with it anymore.  As a matter of fact, Andrew, did you get a chance to read The Montpelier Manifesto, or skim it?

AG:  I did not read that, no.

Mike:  It is written by Thomas Naylor, Kirkpatrick Sale, James Starkey and Charles Keil.  Kirkpatrick Sale is one of the authors of Rethinking the American Union.  I have met Kirk and Kirk is a good man.  He may be a man of the left but he’s still a good man.  If you scroll all the way through this — remember, these are liberals.  While liberals are meeting in Charlotte, North Carolina, these liberals are releasing to a watching world The Montpelier Manifesto for the State of Vermont to secede.  Not only do they call for the State of Vermont to secede — these people are known as Vermonters or Vermont First Republic, or Second Vermont Republic — not only are they calling for the State of Vermont to secede, they are calling for the union to be dissolved before it can take the entire continent down with it.


“Whenever any form of government becomes destructive…it is the right of the people to alter or abolish it, and to institute a new government…as to them shall seem most likely to effect their safety and happiness,” says the Declaration of Independence.  Alteration and abolishment include the right to disband, or subdivide, or withdraw, or create a new government.

Let us therefore consider ways peaceably to withdraw from the American Empire by (1) regaining control of our lives from big government, big business, big cities, big schools, and big computer networks; (2) relearning how to take care of ourselves by decentralizing, downsizing, localizing, demilitarizing, simplifying, and humanizing our lives; and (3) providing democratic and human-scale self-government at those local and regional levels most likely to effect our safety and happiness.

Citizens, lend your name to this manifesto and join in the honorable task of rejecting the immoral, corrupt, decaying, dying, failing American Empire and seeking its rapid and peaceful dissolution before it takes us all down with it.

To be presented at the Third Statewide Convention on Vermont Self-Determination on September 14, 2012 to be held in the Vermont State House in Montpelier.

[end reading]

Mike:  That is happening while the other libs, the ones in Charlotte, are preening and prattling about planning to expand the empire, to increase its immorality, to increase its corruption, to continue the generational theft that is currently going on.  Not only do they not want many of the next generation to be born, those that are born will then have a larger share of the national debt that’s currently being run up in these people’s names to pay back.  Think about that?  It’s not bad enough that they’re pro-abortionists that are all gathered here and cheering wildly about a slaughter of unborn, innocent children.  That’s what was going on at that convention last night, speaker after speaker after speaker.  Not only are they cheering that, but what of those that actually are born and maybe survive these procedures, or who have actual parents that say, “I think when we become pregnant we should actually bring those lives into this world”?  Well, there will be a lot less of them if Democrats and the women’s plumbing caucus that was on parade last night in Charlotte, North Carolina have their way.

What does that mean for those that have to pay back this $16 trillion in bogus national debt that has now been run up?  That means that each one of those little tots’ share will increase.  They will be born more impoverished by the sheer number of them that will never see the light of day.  This is our politics in 2012.  I’m sorry, folks, excuse me if I take a step back from this and respectfully say that good men and women of honor and conscience should want nothing to do with these proceedings whatsoever, save for trying to figure out how to peacefully make sure that they are never conducted in the public square again. This is really just ghastly stuff.

End Mike Church Show Transcript

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Written by: ClintStroman

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