
Romney World Tour Better Spent in US Dismantling Empire and Fixing Debt

todayJuly 31, 2012 6


Mandeville, LA – Exclusive Transcript – So Romney gallivanting across the globe, to me, is nothing more than a sop.  This is an homage to Bill Kristol and all of those decepticons over there, to think that we can remake the world in our own image.  They just need to see Governor Romney over there practicing remaking the world, which is why your question is a good one.  Why is he over there saying things that you would think someone that’s a politician in that country ought to be saying? Check out today’s transcript for more…


Begin Mike Church Show Transcript

Mike:  There are those of us that hold the view that the Obama administration has not been the limp-wristed, impotent, do-nothing, “let’s all get clobbered or take our toys and go home” administration when it comes to foreign affairs, war and foreign policy that the Republican party is trying to make him out to be.  President Obama has fought as many wars, bombed as many places, taken out Bin Laden, started and aided and abetted conflicts across the Middle East, has unleashed his military prowess and power here domestically as well.  The Obama administration is every bit the third term of George W. Bush.  There’s no other way to look at it.  The record speaks for itself.  You can sit there and call him impotent and all that.  I don’t think people are buying it.  I also think, and I believe even without sampling public opinion polls, I believe your average American person out there is about done with the warfare state.  They’ve about had it with being told that they and their sons and daughters and nephews and what have you will be dispersed forevermore in these far-flung, faraway places across the globe that they don’t understand what the reason is.  What’s the cause?  Why does my nephew have to be there?

To me, it’s silly.  It’s totally unneeded.  He ought to be over here just pounding, assailing the unemployment numbers, the GDP numbers, the jobs going north, the Canadian pipeline, the debt.  You know why he can’t pummel that debt?  I told you people this a year and a half ago.  Some of you sent me hate mail, you mocked me.  [mocking] “You’re just not a Republican anymore.  That’s why you said stupid things like that.  You just don’t like the party.”  Believe me, there is nothing more than I would love to be doing this morning than just being a cheerleader with a megaphone for the Republican Party and for Mitt Romney.  That would mean that we are right back on the path to regaining many lost liberties and from decentralizing this power structure that is so menacing and continues to be the gravest threat to our liberties.

I told you this, that when John Boehner gave away the farm, and Eric Cantor and all the rest of those frauds that call themselves conservatives, that when they gave away the debt ceiling and budget deficit fraud, that they ultimately sentenced their own nominee, whoever that person may be, unless it was going to be Ron Paul, they ultimately sentenced that person, that nominee to not be able to take the debt as a serious issue.  It is the Republican Party that controls the purse strings in the House of Representin’.  It is the Republican Party that made the deal with the President to raise the debt ceiling last January and July before.  It is the Republican Party that has refused to hold the line on this.  You can’t just run around and blame Obama for all this.  Yeah, Obama signs the bills, and yeah, Obama violates his oath of office and ought to be impeached for some of the things he’s done financially and otherwise, but it is the Congress that has aided and abetted this.  [mocking] “Yeah, but Mike, they only control one-third.”  That one-third controls the purse strings.  No money gets appropriated.  No revenue gets raised without the House saying that it shall be raised, and that’s for anything.  It doesn’t matter what it is.

AG:  Quick note, you mentioned Congressman Paul.  He will be on the show Wednesday at 7 a.m. Eastern.

Mike:  Fantastic.  I can’t wait.  I’m going to ask him that question, did the Republicans give away that as a campaign issue.  I believe that the answer is an irrevocable, undeniable yes.  It may have been the blunder that could cost the Republicans the White House.  The largest issue that the people of these United States face today is not terrorism, not any of the bogeymen that appear daily on Fox News, on all your favorite shows, on talk radio and blogs and all that.  The specter of evil that is most dangerous to your personal liberty is that debt and that deficit.  It is of such a staggering, mind-bending, incomprehensible number that in order to deal with it requires systematic changes.

Here’s one of the things you don’t want to hear and no one will tell you, but I will.  You know what one of those systematic changes could be?  It could be violent revolution.  It could be that even though the American frontiersman out there is more well-armed than his colonial counterpart may have been, but that may not account for anything.  If the debt gets to the point where the people in power see that they can no longer repay it and they’re going to have to figure out a way to beat people out of it, that they rightfully owe it to, one of the ways they could do that is just declare it null and void.  We’ll just default.  What if that leads to, “If you default, you’re going to have a big problem, buddy.”  “Bring it on, pal.”  It is this spending and the government’s confiscation of large swaths of industries here in the United States that imperils your liberty.  It is our government that is the largest threat to us right now.  We could repel an invasion from any force on Earth.  I don’t think anyone that’s listening to this show right now would deny that or even give it a second thought.  Why cannot we repel the greatest threat that exists inside our own borders, which is Mordor on the Potomac River?

So Romney gallivanting across the globe, to me, is nothing more than a sop.  This is an homage to Bill Kristol and all of those decepticons over there, to think that we can remake the world in our own image.  They just need to see Governor Romney over there practicing remaking the world, which is why your question is a good one.  Why is he over there saying things that you would think someone that’s a politician in that country ought to be saying?

End Mike Church Show Transcript

Written by: ClintStroman

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