
Ronald Reagan, A KingDude Preface To His Centennial Birthday

todayFebruary 4, 2011 13


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Related Material: Hear some more on President Ronald Reagan from the viewpoints of the KingDude by checking out this archived clip of The Mike Church Show on Sirius/XM’s Patriot Channel:

Ronald Reagan Forecast The Socialist Storm – 48 Years Ago 

Begin Mike Church Show Transcript

Mike:  And today is, well, here, let me set this up.  Today is February the 4th.  Sunday will be Ronald Wilson Reagans 100th birthday celebration.  And I will be here with David Webb and Andrew Wilkow.  Mike Slater will debut his broadcast on Sunday.  Bauer and Rose will have a little stint in between.  And Wilkow and Webb and I will be on at noon Central, thats 1:00 oclock on the East Coast, I believe, is the time.  And well do some remembrances of President Reagan here.

Today here on this program, though, well do them here today on a Free Phone Friday.  You know, its interesting.  I was going back, and weve been listening to and scrubbing some audio here today, listening to some old Reagan speeches.  And one of my favorite ones is Reagans farewell.  He gave that speech in early January, 1989.  And he basically said his goodbyes.  And it was almost like Washingtons farewell.  Here was the aged old statesman, heading into the twilight of his career and getting ready to mount that horse of his and ride off into the sunset.  And he wanted to seize the opportunity, so he sat down and Reagan wrote most of his own speeches.  I know Peggy Noonan runs around claiming she was his speechwriter and is famous because of it and has a multi-bazillion-dollar gig at The Wall Street Journal.

Ronald Reagan, as Lou Cannon points out today in Daily Politics and Lou Cannon should know because Lou Cannon spent more time than any other journalist with President Reagan Reagan wrote most of his speeches.  And if he did have a speechwriter, he was notorious for going through what they wrote and going[mimicking Reagan], Well, I  just dont like that line, and I think I can do better.  And so hed just scratch it out and pull a Ben Franklin on Thomas Jefferson, scratch it out.  Yes, yes, yes, sacred and undeniable, far better, and would write his own in.  But I tell you what strikes me, and Lou Cannons piece is emblematic of this and Ive posted it in todays Pile of Prep.  Please read it.  Take the time this weekend and read a little bit about the real Ronald Reagan because heres what strikes me when we talk about Reagan and the canonization of Reagan.

Because you always hear these people, Well, I am a Reagan conservative.  Why, Im a Reagan conservative.  Im this and….  You are?  Really?  You think Reagan would have signed off on your invasions of Iraq twice?  You think Reagan would have signed off on your invasions of Afghanistan?  You think Reagan would have meddled in the affairs of Pakistan the way he is today?  Its interesting how time seems to heal all of these wounds against DeceptiCons.  You have to remember, folks, and Lou Cannon covers this in his piece yesterday about Reagan, about President Reagan, that the DeceptiCons, the fake, phony, fraud conservatives that want never-ending war, never-ending manufacture of weaponry and what have you, seem to conveniently forget that they demonized President Reagan when he agreed to meet with the Soviet President Mikhail Gorbachev.  What is he doing?  You dont go and meet with the enemy.

And as Lou Cannon recalls in his piece here today, not only did Reagan meet with Gorbachev, but he defied the Bill Kristols daddies of the world, the Irving Kristols.  He defied the early precursors, the early founders and promoters of the DeceptiCon Straussian cause, never-ending war, never-ending conquest, never-ending manufacture of armament and what have you.  That, yeah, Reagan did manufacture armament, but he did it for a purpose.  And it wasnt to use it.  He did it because it was his belief that all the analysts at the CIA were wrong.  Did you know that?  He did it because his own personal research and his own personal intuition told him [mimicking Reagan]

Order Your hardback copy of Life of George Washington, out of print since 1920 but available now from Mike Church & Founding Father Films publishing
Order Your hardback copy of Life of George Washington, out of print since 1920 but available now from Mike Church & Founding Father Films publishing

(Audio & Transcript) Mandeville, LA – This Sunday will be Ronald Wilson Reagan’scentennial birthday and if that peaks your interest then know thatSirius/XM has you covered all day Sunday if you would like to get someReagan era knowledge from some gentleman who know a thing or two aboutthe Gipper before feasting your eyes on the Steelers of Pittsburghbattling it out on the gridiron against the Packers of Green Bay.

However, if you can’t wait until Sunday to hear what said gentleman have to say on the centennial ofReagan’s birth in the small Illinois town of Tampico, then you cansurely feel safe in knowing that the KingDude can give you the best’theatrical trailer’ out there on the air-waves today folks.

Andhow thoughtful of us here at the Mike Church Show to provide this audioclip and transcript for you just in case you missed the show thismorning or would like to listen to Mike’s sentiments to the formerPresident all weekend leading up to or possibly even through Sunday.It’s in your hands now folks – do what you will with it!

, Well, the communists are, well, theyre communists.  And communisms a rotten way to do business.  And they cant have all the money and productivity they claim to have.  And I think we can beat them in an arms race.  And I think that theyll have to come to the table and dismantle their nuclear program.  Who was right?  Who got it right?  Reagan or all the eggheads at the CIA?  Ronald Reagan got it right.

But it is interesting to reflect on the life of Ronald Reagan.  And if theres one thing and I named a daughter after President Reagan.  And I actually printed Mr. Cannons piece out last night that he wrote in Daily Politics and shared it with her.  And I told her, so, you want to learn a little bit more about President Reagan than what the storybooks tell, here, read Lou Cannons mini bio of the president yesterday.  And she took it, started reading, she said, Dad, this is really good.  I said, I told you it was good.

But one of the things that separated President Reagan from nearly every other president of this century, with the exception maybe of Cool Cal Coolidge, and certainly the exception of the nitwit, the fraud thats currently occupying the Oval Office, certainly separates him from the previous fake that occupied the Oval Office, is this.  Ronald Wilson Reagan actually had an American life that would have made one hell of a story on A&Es Biography before he got into government.  Let me repeat that to you, ladies and gentlemen.
Ronald Wilson Reagan had a great life, such a great life that it would have made a great biopic.  It would have made a great four-hour special on A&Es Biography, or on the History Channel, before.  Lets just say he never got into politics.  Lets say his career ended with the speech in 1964, he still would have made the history books.

In other words, he was one of us.  Thats right.  In other words, President Reagan walked in my shoes.  He walked in your shoes, fair listener.  Let me name a couple listeners that I happen to know personally.  He walked in Marty the Cops shoes.  He walked in Bill Evelyns shoes.  He walked in you peoples shoes.  He walked in our shoes.  He was an actual citizen.  And to me thats what made Reagan Reagan.  Thats what made President Reagan Reagan.  He walked in Jack Hunters shoes.  He walked in all those shoes of you people out there, and us.  And that is the difference between Ronald Wilson Reagan and all of these Ivy League frauds that we have ordering us about today, confiscating our wealth, and telling us that theyre smarter than us.  Reagan never thought he was smarter than us.  He thought that he had some intuition, and he thought that he had an abiding love and respect for freedom and liberty and for the American traditions that supported freedom and liberty.  He did that.  He didnt think he was smarter than anyone else.

As a matter of fact, he had to be begged to run for governor in 1966.  He didnt want to do it.  And the people around him said, man, you have to do it.  And Cannon tells this story just so you can tell the affection between Lou Cannon and his subject.  And it comes through in a manner where the guys trying to be a journalist, but he just cant help himself.  You have to admire President Ronald Wilson Reagan.  And I think that thats why there was such a deep and there still is today.  Reagan rates right up there with Kennedy and Lincoln I dont know how Lincoln gets in there but rates right up there with Kennedy and Lincoln as most beloved American president.  Why is that  this always befuddles me.  Why isnt Jefferson beloved as a president, for crying out loud?

End Mike Church Show Transcript

2011 Mike Church Show




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Host of the Mike Church Show on The Veritas Radio Network's CRUSADE Channel & Founder of the Veritas Radio Network. Formerly, of Sirius/XM's Patriot channel 125. The show began in March of 2003 exclusively on Sirius and remains "the longest running radio talk show in satellite radio history".

Written by: TheKingDude

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