
Rosaries For The Electoral Defeat of Mrs. Hillary Rodham Clinton Are WORKING, Pray Up!

todayOctober 31, 2016 5


Mandeville, LA – Back in September I wrote with great shock and sadness that 2 separate public opinion polls showed that the diabolical, Nephilim spawn of Satan & Margaret Sanger, Hillary Clinton, was leading among “Catholics” by a disgraceful 61-37 margin. It was then that I urged listeners and readers to add the following intention to their then, Novena for Our Nation, Rosaries. “For the November 8th, electoral defeat of Mrs. Hillary Rodham Clinton. For an end to legal protections for abortion and and end to legal protections for fornication, sodomy and every other hell-forsaken sin against the ancient & traditional moral teaching of The Church.” Recently I’ve daily suggested that the campaign extend to daily rosaries with the same intention. Well lo and behold, new polling data now shows the power of the Holy Rosary and Our Lady as #CrookedHillary is now getting clobbered 47-36% in the Catholic vote. This means that now, millions of catholics are now starting to act, well, Catholic, quick hide the Segway’s & Star Wars costumes. This is still a scandal but no longer the scandal that would have handed Mrs Clinton the Presidency on the strength of Catholic support.

Now Cardinal Raymond Burke has called for a 8 day Novena of Rosary devotion beginning tomorrow on All Saints Day and continue through Nov 8, election day. Burke’s exhortation closely tracks my own public pleadings and I am humbled to see them in print. Read the whole thing here. Excerpt:

One day, the sacristan [of a Church in Bavaria Burke was visiting]  opened his heart about the evils of Nazism. He was in his late teen years at the time of the rise of the Third Reich. The question which haunted him was how the people of his nation, how he, could have permitted such horrible evils to happen at all or to go on for so long. Some months ago, our conversation came to mind when another native of Germany, who grew up during the Third Reich, commented to me on the accusation, made against a number of the Catholic bishops of Germany of the time, of not having done enough to teach against the evils of Nazism.

These conversations, filled with much emotion, often return to my mind and lead me to reflect upon the responsibility which belongs to every citizen of a nation to safeguard and promote the common good. I think how much weightier the individual responsibility for the common good is in a democratic republic like our own nation, in which we elect the officials of our government. As a bishop, I think of the tremendous responsibility, which is mine, to teach clearly the moral law to all the faithful, so that, in turn, we all have a clear understanding of our civic responsibility for the common good.

I write to you regarding the fulfillment of our civic responsibility for the common good, especially by exercising our right and fulfilling our duty to vote, in order to choose those representatives who will best serve the common good in government. [emphasis mine]

The good Cardinal’s prayer for the Blessed Mother’s intercession is beautiful while being powerful.

“O Most Blessed Virgin Mary, Mother of Mercy, at this most critical time, we entrust the United States of America to Your loving care.

Most Holy Mother, we beg You to reclaim this land for the glory of Your Son. Overwhelmed with the burden of the sins of our nation, we cry to You from the depths of our hearts and seek refuge in Your motherly protection.”

The bottom line is this folks, many thousands of us have been praying for the defeat of the most perverted abortion “rights” promoter in the history of Earth, Hillary. Our Lady has responded positively and with actions that I believe leave no doubt that the prayers of The Faithful are being fulfilled.

• An admitted adulterer and user of all vile means of self gratification, Anthony Weiner, has provided the latest spark to this effort with the discovery of emails on the same computer he used for his sins. if that’s not Divine Providence, what is?

• The thousands of wanton acts of Pride committed by Mrs Clinton and her treacherous inner circle of hooligans has been exposed by a man who is being held captive in an embassy because he dared expose the Truth of the United State’s government’s illicit activities in war and privacy: Julian Assange. Not that I am claiming Assange is a martyr but God does use even the impure in works of mercy and teaching as he did e.g. Saint Mary Magdale, the Samaritan and the 10th healed leper.

• FBI Director James Comey is a Catholic and is known to be influenced by his devout wife Patrice. Again, accept Our Lady’s intercession or remain cynical and chalk it up to “luck”!?


In the 17th century a not very well known nun, Sister Mariana of Quito Ecuador was visited by Our Lady who told her of the events to occur at Fatima and performed miracles in Quito that the Church recognizes as those of Our Lady of Good Success. In turning to one of the apparitions we can be encouraged to continue our Rosary prayers for Hillary’s defeat and let the Holy ghost move us to know when we are being successfully heard.

“But know, beloved daughter, that when your name is made known in the 20th century, there will be many who will not believe, claiming that this devotion is not pleasing to God…A simple humble faith in the truth of My apparitions to you, My predilect child, will be reserved for humble and fervent souls docile to the inspirations of grace, for Our Heavenly Father communicates His secrets to the simple of heart, and not to those whose hearts are inflated with pride, pretending to know what they do not, or self-satisfied with empty knowledge…”

Our Lady of Fatima and Our Lady of God Success, Oremus.


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Host of the Mike Church Show on The Veritas Radio Network's CRUSADE Channel & Founder of the Veritas Radio Network. Formerly, of Sirius/XM's Patriot channel 125. The show began in March of 2003 exclusively on Sirius and remains "the longest running radio talk show in satellite radio history".

Written by: TheKingDude

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