
Ryan in Iowa Knows Virtue, or Lack Thereof, is the Problem

todayJanuary 11, 2013 5


Mandeville, LA – Exclusive Transcript – The part of this that is crying out for the most attention is the cultural, attitudinal, and the lack of virtue part of it.  Until you can restore some semblance of an agreed-upon civic virtue and begin having people practice it — gentlemen, you have to do this.  There’s no one going to do it for you.  It is your job and responsibility to do this, no matter how silly or antiquated you may think it is.  Change your manners, change your way.  When you become and you start acting like the leader in your house and the leader among those under your care, when you begin to act as a Christian gentleman ought to act, and we drop our foul language and all the other things that go along with it, start humbling ourselves in the face of God our creator and acknowledge that anything we have as a benefit comes from them, those are acts of virtue. Check out today’s transcript for the rest…


Begin Mike Church Show Transcript

Purchase The War on Drugs is a War on Freedom signed by the Mr. Vance!

Mike:  Ryan is in Iowa, next up.  Hello, Ryan, how you doing?

Caller Ryan:  I’m doing fine, Mike.  I love to listen to your show.

Mike:  Thank you.

Caller Ryan:  I have a couple comments.  The first one, Mike, if we really want to end gun violence or dramatically reduce it in this country, the first thing we should do is end this senseless drug war.  We can declare victory and end the drug war.  It’s not constitutional for the federal government to control that sort of thing anyway.  The drug war is killing a lot of people.  That’s a very important point that we need to address.

Mike:  You’ve made an activity illegal and yet many people are choosing that it’s not illegal to me.  The same thing happened when you made alcohol illegal, all the violence and death that that brought about.  Cooler heads prevailed and they said: You’ve got to repeal prohibition.  Time to admit the mistake, the federal government needs to get the hell out of the drug war business once and for all, whole cloth.  Momentum is going on where state after state after state are passing ballot initiative or legislative act, basically nullifying the DEA and BATF’s role in the prosecution of at least marijuana laws, slowly but surely states are reclaiming their authority.  It should become abundantly clear very soon when the dollar crashes that you don’t want to be in cahoots with whoever it is that’s distributing the dollar as the fake currency that is now worth as much, as they would have said in 1781 through 1785 or so a continental, meaning it’s worth nothing.  There is positive movement.

I still think, though, the part of this that is crying out for the most attention is the cultural, attitudinal, and the lack of virtue part of it.  Until you can restore some semblance of an agreed-upon civic virtue and begin having people practice it — gentlemen, you have to do this.  There’s no one going to do it for you.  It is your job and responsibility to do this, no matter how silly or antiquated you may think it is.  Change your manners, change your way.  When you become and you start acting like the leader in your house and the leader among those under your care, when you begin to act as a Christian gentleman ought to act, and we drop our foul language and all the other things that go along with it, start humbling ourselves in the face of God our creator and acknowledge that anything we have as a benefit comes from them, those are acts of virtue.  They don’t require politicians; they require men of good virtue and good faith, and women of course.  The men are going to have to do this.

There is a larger problem amongst the population than just our politics.  The politics are a symptom.  We’ve been arguing for over a hundred years about fixing the politics.  It’s a runaway train.  You can’t restrain the politicians and the politics without restraining the people.  It’s the people that become politicians.  Somewhere along the line there has to be an authority that acts as a restraint.  It used to be our God and our faith in God that acted as the restraint.  We’ve replaced God with man and government, and you see the results.  I don’t like getting too far in the weeds talking about policy and what we ought to do with this, that and the other, because one is the symptom of the other, in my humble opinion.

Caller Ryan:  It’s interesting that you say it that way.  When we print up phony money — and this is changing the subject over to our debt — that is, in a sense, acknowledging that man is in power.  We can solve our own problems, we can fix our own selfishness and desire by printing up phony money.  We don’t have responsibility to a higher power, which by our own instincts would teach us to live within our means.  We don’t do that anymore.  Getting back to the gun control thing, why the urgency on gun control?  The real urgency should be to solve our financial problems.  We’re borrowing money as fast as we can, but the big issue is gun control?  It’s really laughable.

Mike:  It’s another distraction.  Again, we’ve been at this for over a hundred years now.  How is all that working out for us?  As a matter of fact, we’ve been at it since 1789.  We’ve been unable or incapable of restraining the governments that we ourselves have created.  As they have gotten more out of control, so has the population, both morally and then politically.  I think you establish the moral, the virtue in the society, and then that establishes your government, not the other way around.  The government does not bring about morality, does not bring about men and women of good Christian faith who are virtuous.  You have the people that are virtuous that bring about a good government.  We have the entire process and the way we think about the process in reverse.

End Mike Church Show Transcript

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Written by: ClintStroman

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