
Safe Space For Every Group

todayNovember 16, 2015 7


If University Of Missouri Blacks Get Safe Space For Blackness, Why Don’t Bakers Get It For Christian Marriage?

Order Your hardback copy of Life of George Washington, out of print since 1920 but available now from Mike Church & Founding Father Films publishing
Order Your hardback copy of Life of George Washington, out of print since 1920 but available now from Mike Church & Founding Father Films publishing.

Mandeville, LA – Exclusive Transcript“Terrell Jermaine Starr writes an opinion piece at the Washington Compost yesterday, “There’s a good reason protesters at the University of Missouri didn’t want the media around. – Students wanted to create a safe space from not only the racism they encounter on campus, but the insensitivity they encounter in the news media.””  Check out today’s transcript for the rest….

Begin Mike Church Show Transcript

Mike:  Let’s go to the pages of the Washington Compost today.  As a matter of fact, I wanted to play this montage.  I forgot all about this.  Let me see if I have it here.  I do have it!  Let’s drag this one out of the archives, folks.  Terrell Jermaine Starr writes an opinion piece at the Washington Compost yesterday, “There’s a good reason protesters at the University of Missouri didn’t want the media around. – Students wanted to create a safe space from not only the racism they encounter on campus, but the insensitivity they encounter in the news media.”

I’m not sure where this insensitivity comes from, but let me play something for you from 2008.  I’m going to say this in context, not to offend anyone.  This is what we will call, or we did call back in the day, the “nappy-headed ho” montage.  This is a collection of rap songs popular at the time.  If you’re going to roam about the ‘Murican countryside rapping things and saying things like you’re about to hear, what is sensitive about that?  What kind of sensitivity could you possibly be promoting?  Other than deranged white kids listening to this garbage, who listens to crap like this?  [playing rap montage]

They even have harmonic hoes, three-part harmony hoes.  I don’t hear the Bee Gees doing this.  I asked the question: What kind of sensitivity could you possibly be promoting when your music sounds like that?  What kind of a sensitive person listens to that crap?  Here’s another one.  What kind of sensitive young gentleman calls young ladies names, sings about them like that?  Folks, I posted this in today’s Pile of Prep.  You want to see how messed up things are out there on college campuses – if your kids are going to college – I have two.  One is at LSU and one is at Southeastern.

Let me tell you something.  Tell them to move back in with you.  Get a subscription to the Veritas Radio Network.  They’ll learn more here than they’ll learn at any university.  Hang out on Tuesday nights with David Simpson, Brother Andre Marie, and I for the philosophia perennis learning session, which you’ll get free on the Veritas Radio Network.  If you want some philosophy courses, we’ll give it to you on Tuesday night.  Our chat room is about current events and applying it to philosophy, and some philosophical discussion.


Video of a confrontation between a news photographer and protesters at the University of Missouri on Monday led to a dispute between journalists and the activists’ sympathizers beyond the campus walls. In response to a series of racial issues at the university, a circle of arm-linked students sought to designate a “safe space” around an encampment on the campus quad. When they blocked journalist Tim Tai from photographing the encampment, reporters complained that media were denied access to a public space.

Certainly, Tai – like any journalist – had a legal right to enter the space, given that it was in a public area. But that shouldn’t be the end of this story. We in the media have something important to learn from this unfortunate exchange. The protesters had a legitimate gripe: The black community distrusts the news media because it has failed to cover black pain fairly.

[private FP-Monthly|FP-Yearly|FP-Yearly-WLK|FP-Yearly-So76]

[end reading]

Mike:  I’m going to tell you something.  This to me sounds like black pain [playing rap montage].  That’s not the kind of pain they’re talking about.  If you want to talk about moral pain, that’s moral pain there, brother.  Back to the story:


As journalists, we should strive to understand the motivations of the people we cover. In this case, black students at the University of Missouri have had a string of racist encounters on campus: The president of the students’ association has been called the N-word . . .

[end reading]

Mike:  Well, that’s the end of all society, isn’t it?  No, I’m not saying that anyone should be called the name.  Put it in context.  What does that have to do with the protest?  What does that have to do with denying the journalists the ability or the right, as they call it Missouri safe spacethese days, to photograph the incident?  I’m going to get into that in just a moment here.


The president of the students’ association has been called the N-word and other black students have been racially harassed while participating in campus activities.

[end reading]

Mike:  Now, again, folks, this is another one of these logical enthymeme.  This is assuming that everyone knows that only blacks on college campuses are harassed, that only blacks on college campuses are harassed while participating in activities, no one else.  Is that the case?  You might want to go ask some certain lacrosse players if that’s the case.  You may want to go ask some of those kids up in Virginia.  Remember the story, the rape that never occurred, the fraternity that was convicted in the judgment porn court of ‘Murica.  Remember that?  I hate to rain truth down on this parade.  I haven’t even gotten to the good part yet.  Hold on.


A Missouri journalism professor wrote in the Huffington Post that she has been called the n-word “too many times to count” during her 18 years at the university.

[end reading]

Mike:  So if people are called certain names, then that makes possible or makes legitimate something else?  You were called a name.  Okay.  What happens if you’re called redneck in a derisive manner?  Does that then entitle the redneck to try and jump his Ford truck over a handmade ramp over a swimming pool?  Again, off the subject.


The crime, carried out by white students, was designed to invoke the image of plantation slavery.

[end reading]

Mike:  Will this ever, ever end?  The incessant, [mocking] “That brings up images of plantation slavery.”  I don’t even know where – where is there a functioning plantation at today?  If anyone is a slave on a plantation it’s your average American taxpayer.  We’re all slaves on the Obama/Bush/Clinton plantation, Mordor’s plantation.


University president Tim Wolfe resigned Monday after graduate student Jonathan Butler went on a hunger strike to protest the very public racism he and many black students believe the school did little to address.


Establishing a “safe space” was about much more than denying the media access; it was about securing a rare space where their blackness could not be violated.

[end reading]

I want to focus on that. If in a public place it’s okay to establish a “safe space” where blackness cannot be violated, why is it not okay in a private place to establish a “safe space” where homophobia can be practiced?  You want to answer that?  I dare you to answer it.  Why can’t I establish then a “safe space” in my bakery on Main Street?  That’s actually a private place, not a public place, where I bake wedding cakes.  Maybe I just want a “safe space” where I can practice my Christianity.  Maybe I have a darkroom somewhere.  Maybe I take photographs.  I say darkroom.  There aren’t very many darkrooms remaining out there.  There are some.  Most photographic processing is done on computers.  Maybe I have a photographic processing room where I have Power Macs galore, big, giant monitors, big booty monitors.  See, montage played earlier.  Maybe I’ve got big booty you-know-what’s on my big booty monitors.  Nonetheless, maybe I don’t want big booty homosexual marriage booties on my big booty monitor.

FOLKS, a message from Mike – The Project 76 features, Church Doctrine videos and everything else on this site are supported by YOU. We have over 70, of my personally designed, written, produced and directed products for sale in the Founders Tradin’ Post, 24/7,  here. You can also support our efforts with a Founders Pass membership granting total access to years of My work for just .17 cents per day. Thanks for 17 years of mike! – Mike

Why can’t I, in my private space, have a “safe space” in which to practice my Christianity?  This question has an answer.  You’re not going to find it oozing out of a car radio.  You’re not going to find it oozing out of the pages of the Washington Compost.  You’re only going to find it where ultimate causes and ultimate truth are being pursued.  The answer to the question is that if you’re not in error, if you are in line with, in communion with the truth, especially as it applies to moral teaching and laws made for moral people, then the “safe space” is guaranteed.  As a matter of fact, you could say – if we really want to talk about safe spaces, the real and true safe space that ought to be guarded for all is wherever His name, is where Christianity is practiced, wherever Our Lord is on an altar, offered up in Holy Communion with his body and his blood.  That’s the only truly protected and must be protected safe space.

We’re so far off the skids here.  Just imagine, these are young people.  They’re being told that this “safe space” hokum is a good thing.  Yes, let’s designate our safe space, as I illustrate with my example of the photographer and example of the baker.  Why isn’t there safe space for – oh, that’s right, because your safe space does not conform to the civil religion, to the civil practice of government as religion.  It’s even worse, of government run and egged on by the illiterate and amoral mob as religion.  No one will go to bat, though, and confirm the “safe space.”  Again, tying it to today’s news, where’s the “safe space” for the Little Sisters of the Poor to practice their Christian . . .

End Mike Church Show Transcript

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Written by: AbbyMcGinnis

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