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Scott McConnell: Rand Joins The Jackals?

todayFebruary 15, 2013 7

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    Scott McConnell: Rand Joins The Jackals? AbbyMcGinnis

Mandeville, LA – Exclusive Transcript – Folks, there is no escape from this black hole of corruption and deceit into which all 311 million people in this democracy are being sucked into. For those of you who thought Rand was going to save the day and bail us all out, I am sad and sorry to report that the early returns are in.  At the eighth poll in this version of the Kentucky Derby, he is 15 lengths off the pace.  Check out today’s audio and transcript for the rest…

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    Scott McConnell: Rand Joins The Jackals? AbbyMcGinnis


Begin Mike Church Show Transcript

Mike:  Read Scott McConnell’s blog, a writer at the American Conservative.  This is under the title “Rand Joins the Jackals?


But politics is not always about  keeping options open; it is often about choice. In the next day or two, Rand will have a chance to vote for or against Chuck Hagel as defense secretary, and just as importantly will have opportunity to vote for or against the GOP filibuster to keep Hagel from coming to a floor vote. Yesterday Paul told CNN that he would back a filibuster of Hagel, relying on the most spurious of pretexts: the charge, raised by Ted Cruz, that Hagel is in the pay of foreign powers. In a few short months in office, Cruz has already established a reputation as one of the most McCarthyite members of the GOP, someone happy to use lies and innuendo to destroy opponents. In the generally decorous Senate, he has already been called out for being “over the line.” [Mike: As Walter in The Big Lebowski might say, “Over the line!” Sorry, Ted, you were over the line. Your toe was over. Mark a zero, dude.] It may well prove to be Ron Paul’s single greatest lapse of judgment to have endorsed Cruz in the Texas Republican primary, and to have encouraged his backers to contribute to him. [Mike: I asked this question on my Facebook page the other day: Please explain to me again why Rand and Ron endorsed Ted Cruz. Why?]

Oqwn your AUTOGRAPHED copy of THE book on the American Union's realignment
Oqwn your AUTOGRAPHED copy of THE book on the American Union’s realignment

But now Rand is doubling down in support of Cruz, in favor of a filibuster of Hagel on grounds that are both bogus and demagogic. So let’s be clear. If Rand Paul persists on going demagogic on Hagel, he will have established beyond any serious doubt that regardless of who his father is, he is Bill Kristol and Jennifer Rubin’s boy. It saddens me to conclude that because I like to be optimistic. But it’s a truth that must be faced.

[end reading]

Mike:  Why in dude’s holy name would you want to be Jennifer Rubin’s boy?  AG, you know who Jennifer Rubin is.  She is the alleged conservative hack that the Washington Post hired a couple years back to try and pretend as though they had some bipartisanship to their coverage and they have all angles covered.  She’s the one that writes under the byline of — I can’t remember what her column is called.  I do know that there is a caricature of her likeness, not a photograph like there is of E J Dionne and Dana Milbank and others.  It’s a caricature, a cartoon.

AG:  “The Right Turn.”

Mike:  She’s become a cartoon and a caricature.  Is Rand really going to do this?  Man, where is Sam Ervin when you need him?  Where is Jesse Helms when you need him?  Is there not anyone that will stand up to these people on principle?  [mocking] “Mike, he could never be elected president if he did that.”  So you want another president that’s not principled then?  That’s what you’re telling me.  Folks, there is no escape from this black hole of corruption and deceit into which all 311 million people in this democracy are being sucked into. For those of you who thought Rand was going to save the day and bail us all out, I am sad and sorry to report that the early returns are in.  At the eighth poll in this version of the Kentucky Derby, he is 15 lengths off the pace.  See how I slid the racehorse reference in there?

End Mike Church Show Transcript


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Written by: AbbyMcGinnis

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