
Secretary Of State Kerry And Senator McCain Act Like They’ve Forgotten Vietnam And The Realities Of War

todayAugust 27, 2013 21


Mandeville, LA – Exclusive Transcript – I would like to know, where is the conservative outrage over this?  You people that love to brandish those pocket constitutions at those tea party rallies, the last time I checked, the calling and instigation of hostilities and warlike activities was left into the hands of the House of Representatives and the United States Senate.  That power was not vested in the American king.  It was vested in the legislature, and for good damn reason.  I’d like to know where the collective “conservative” outrage is.  If you want to talk about violations of the Constitution, this one is of the highest magnitude.  Check out today’s transcript for the rest…


Begin Mike Church Show Transcript

Mike:  The first call we took at the top of the last hour was from our buddy Jeff who is in the armed services in Texas and would be one of the officers called into service should this unthinkable atrocity against the Constitution and against republican government happen where the President of the United States unilaterally decides that he is going to lob cruise missiles, which is an act of war, into the sovereign country of Syria without even knowing whether or not — and no one knows this still.  No one knows this as of right now as I speak, unless I’ve missed the news blast.  No one knows who detonated what in Syria.  It is not known yet.  It has not been determined yet.  I just heard news reports [mocking] “We all await President Obama’s decision.”  I’m not awaiting President Obama’s decision because my charge is he doesn’t have the authority to make a decision.  Only the Congress can authorize this.


I would like to know, where is the conservative outrage over this?  You people that love to brandish those pocket constitutions at those tea party rallies, the last time I checked, the calling and instigation of hostilities and warlike activities was left into the hands of the House of Representatives and the United States Senate.  That power was not vested in the American king.  It was vested in the legislature, and for good damn reason.  I’d like to know where the collective “conservative” outrage is.  If you want to talk about violations of the Constitution, this one is of the highest magnitude.  As a matter of fact, I would even go so far as to say the principle reason for having a constitution, as it was argued for by the federalists, those that were in favor of this, was so that we could have an organized manner in which to engage in warlike activities should it become necessary.

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But here we are 224 years later.  We have an instance here where seemingly warlike activities are about to commence.  The Constitution and the methodology for doing this is not being deferred to.  Yet I listen for the outrage of constitutionalists.  I hear nothing but — is it too late?  It’s just barely getting dawn here.  There might still be crickets in the Central Time Zone.  I bet on the East Coast there are no crickets out there.  All I hear is the hustle and bustle of traffic.  The last caller we had at the top of the house was wondering why John McCain, having seen what he saw in Vietnam is always so ginned up for war and warlike activities.  I told the caller: McCain was a prisoner of war and he did valiantly refuse to divulge State secrets in order to free himself, which the Vietcong told him he could if he would just tell them what they wanted to know, or even lie to them and tell them what he thought they wanted to know, and he refused to do so.

The new Secretary of State, John “Rambo” Kerry went even further than that.  As I pointed out, I bet a lot of you didn’t even know this.  John Kerry was the principle witness — he was in those swift boats.  Many of you will remember this from 2004 in his presidential campaign.  It was Kerry that had these television ads run against him by this group called Swift Boat Veterans for Truth, a branch I believe, I think the swifties were piloting — I don’t recall.  I don’t remember if it was Navy, I think it was Navy.  Maybe it was Marine or Army.  I do know that Swift Boat Veterans for Truth were all after Kerry, [mocking] “He made this up.  He wasn’t a good commander.”  He was the leader of the Winter Soldier.  This is what aggravated and antagonized them the most, the Vietnam veterans, that John Kerry went in front of the Congress and testified in the Winter Soldier hearings.  Kerry knows all too well what indiscriminate wars that sacrifice the lives of soldiers that don’t have any say-so in the matter, of what the cost is.  He knows from personal experience.

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I was wondering out loud whether or not I had any Winter Soldier footage.  I do.  Perhaps there’s more out there but I was not able to locate it during the timeout.  I would imagine there are hours of this stuff.  I have about 45 seconds of Kerry’s testimony in front of Congress in what became known as the Winter Soldier hearings.  This is what John Kerry said in 1973 about indiscriminate wars and sending young American men over into these conflicts to fight them and some of the things that they ultimately wound up doing.

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[start audio file]

John Kerry:  They personally raped, cut off ears, cut off heads, taped wires from portable telephones to human genitals and turned up the power, cut off limbs, blown up bodies, randomly shot at civilians, razed villages in fashion reminiscent of Genghis Khan, shot cattle and dogs for fun, poisoned food stocks, and generally ravaged the countryside of South Vietnam.  We are asking Americans to think about that.  How do you ask a man to be the last man to die in Vietnam?  How do you ask a man to be the last man to die for a mistake?

[end audio file]

article-v-pamphlet-adMike:  All right, Secretary of State Kerry, are you sure it is Bashar al-Assad’s Syrian government that detonated what you can’t even identify as a chemical weapon in that area of Syria that the United Nations can barely even get to to investigate?  Are you?  I don’t believe I’m hearing some of the stuff I heard Secretary of State Kerry say yesterday, but I did.  Ron is in New York.  You’re next on the Mike Church Show.  How you doing?

Caller Ron:  How you doing this morning?

Mike:  I’m good, thank you.

Caller Ron:  The whole idea that this administration would be to take the moral high ground on any point at this juncture is laughable.  Where’s the moral atrocity against us using depleted uranium rounds when we were in Afghanistan and Iraq?  Where’s the atrocity about all the civilian deaths during Obama’s drone strikes?  There’s no call out of any of that.  But now, if it turns out these rebels are the ones that let off this gas, are we suddenly going to use that as a moral atrocity to help Assad take care of this civil war?

Mike:  I doubt it very seriously.  Do you think that would be the response to that or it would be much ado about nothing?  Would the implicit message be [mocking] “You rebel guys are going to do a better job of framing the Syrians for doing this chemical weapon attack next time, you idiots.  You didn’t get away with it.”

Caller Ron:  There was already several smaller ones that turned out to be the rebel forces, but that all got shoved under the rug.  Russia already blamed the rebels.  Russia is trying to position itself, and this could trigger off World War III as soon as we start striking.

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Mike:  Let’s go through the geopolitical concerns, which people just don’t seem to be concerned about whatsoever.  Let’s go through this.  You seem to have a little bit of knowledge of this.  There is this entity known as the United Nations.  We are a member.  Whether we like it or not, we are currently a member of the United Nations.  There is also this entity known as the United Nations Security Council.  If it is determined or if there is enough circumstantial evidence to suggest it was the government of Assad that detonated the chemical weapons, and if the United States went to the UN and said you’ve got to give us some sanctions, an authorization to stop this, what would happen is the Chinese and Russians would say no to this.  They would be outvoted because the United States, France and the UK, which apparently have some sort of military-industrial complex card to play in all this, would say yes to this, and we would be able to override their objection.  Then the UN would have to say the Security Council has voted.  That is the geopolitics of this as I understand it.  I realize that is an incomplete picture but that is the overview of all this.  This is very dangerous territory that we are, I think very foolishly and carelessly and callously, cavalierly, encroaching onto.  If you start messing with the Russians again and you start messing with the Chinese again, which some people think we ought to just do for fun —

magnificent samCaller Ron:  The majority have a disdain for us and this administration.

Mike:  Of course.  When you start messing with these two very powerful and very large nations, you are right.  You are bringing circumstances into play that can or could result in an escalation of hostilities that no one could possibly predict.  The point is, you’re not moving any closer to any sort of a peaceful resolution.  Even if you claim you want to do this for peaceful purposes, you can’t make the case that anything the United States or the Western powers could do is going to result in peace.  If the Assad regime falls in Syria, that means the Christians that live in Syria are going to get massacred.  These rebel nutjobs are going to do to the Syrian Christians what they’ve already begun to do to the Coptic Christians in Egypt.  For the life of me, I am very dismayed.

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Caller Ron:  What about this one scenario?  Say perhaps we launch one cruise missile towards one of these chemical weapons depots that Syria supposedly has. Right now Syria has Russian troops guarding some of these depots.  All of a sudden, that cruise missile kills 10, 15 Russian soldiers.  Now what?

Mike:  Well, you’ve asked a very inconvenient question at a very convenient time.

End Mike Church Show Transcript


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Written by: AbbyMcGinnis

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