Mandeville, LA – Exclusive Transcript – A Tomahawk cruise missile, a Hellfire missile, whatever implement it is they plan to use is constructed for what purpose, to be used in what activity? War. I guarantee you if Bashar Al-Assad or whoever it is that’s running Iran today were to fire a Hellfire or a Tomahawk or a cruise missile into someone else’s airspace, Kerry and company would declare that an act of war, but if we do it it’s humanitarian or whatever it’s called. It is an act of war. Check out today’s transcript for the rest…
Begin Mike Church Show Transcript
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Secretary of State John Kerry: Secondly, let me just point out to you that with respect to this question of Americans wanting to go to war, you’ve got three people here who’ve been to war. You’ve got John McCain who’s been to war. Not one of us doesn’t understand what going to war means, and we don’t want to go to war.
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Mike: Folks, this is another part of the problem. A Tomahawk cruise missile, a Hellfire missile, whatever implement it is they plan to use is constructed for what purpose, to be used in what activity? War. I guarantee you if Bashar Al-Assad or whoever it is that’s running Iran today were to fire a Hellfire or a Tomahawk or a cruise missile into someone else’s airspace, Kerry and company would declare that an act of war, but if we do it it’s humanitarian or whatever it’s called. It is an act of war. It is an implement of war. It’s a freaking bomb. It is designed to strategically blow things up so they cannot be used by the country in which those things reside, and kill anyone that is nearby. That’s what its purpose is. It is an instrument of war. To treat it as though it’s some kind of glorified firecracker that you go down to Crazy Carl’s and buy to celebrate Independence Day or New Year’s Eve is just ridiculous. [mocking Kerry] “It’s not an act of war. We’re not going to war. There is no war.”
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Kerry: We don’t believe we are going to war in the classic sense of taking American troops and America to war. The President is asking for the authority to do a limited action that will degrade the capacity of a tyrant who has been using chemical weapons to kill his own people.
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Mike: It will degrade the capacity of Assad to do what? Make war. It will allegedly degrade the capacity of Assad to make war.
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Kerry: . . . the capacity of a tyrant who has been using chemical weapons to kill his own people.
Senator Rand Paul: I think by doing so you announce —
Kerry: It’s limited. It’s limited.
Paul: By doing so, you announce in advance that your goal is not winning. I think the last 50 years of secretaries of defense would say —
Kerry: Senator, when people are —
Paul: — if your goal is not to win, you shouldn’t be involved.
Kerry: Do you want to go to war in Syria? Of course not. Everybody, 100 percent of Americans, will say no. We say no. We don’t want to go to war in Syria either. It’s not what we’re here to ask. The President is not asking you to go to war. He’s not asking you to declare war. He’s not asking you to send one American troop to war. He’s simply saying we need to take an action that can degrade the capacity of a man who’s been willing to kill his own people by breaking a nearly 100-year-old prohibition and will we stand up and be counted to say we won’t do that? That’s not, I don’t, I just don’t consider that going to war in the classic sense of coming to Congress and asking for a declaration of war and training troops and sending people abroad and putting young Americans in harm’s way. That’s not what the President is asking for here.
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Mike: If the young Americans are on board a naval vessel and they are in charge or responsible for launching that missile, and if there are Russian frigates and Russian destroyers (and there are) nearby and the Russians decide we have to stop these lunatic American nutjobs from lobbing all these ordnance into Syria [mocking] “Yes, Vladimir, we must act. We must take out the American ship. If the Russkies decide they are going to try to stop the ship that’s lobbing the missiles, will those young men then be in harm’s way? They’re in harm’s way right now, the fact that you have them sitting off the coast of a country that you claim is in perpetual war. What else is going on here? What are we missing? Eric Boling figures this out at the end of the show. I think Bolling is the one that figures out maybe this is about the Saudis and oil.
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Eric Bolling: Bob asked the question while we were listening to that: Did that change your mind? No. Why is it just us, Bob? Are the French, the Brits or the Germans against the Geneva Convention or whatever the red line that was originally signed? Are they against that? Are they okay with human rights atrocities? Of course not. Then why aren’t they joining us? If it’s so bad and they’re so sure, then why aren’t they with us?
Bob Beckel: Besides the British and maybe the French, they don’t have the military capability to do what we need to do to degrade these forces. The United States is the only one that does, one. Two, you can argue about oil all you want, but the Saudis and other Mid-Eastern countries believe that Iran is the single biggest threat to the stability of the region and that Iran will be emboldened . . .
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Mike: Right before that, Eric Bolling had said: If the Saudis and Kuwaitis are for this, why would they want to be for this? Maybe they stand to benefit.
End Mike Church Show Transcript

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