Mandeville, LA – Exclusive Transcript –“It’s the executive branch that’s doing it, yet no one in the Injustice Department seems to give a whip about it. Feinstein and Senator Udall, I believe, are one of the ones that are all ginned up and animated about this. Now you know how we feel. [mocking] “Yeah, but I’m a senator. I’m not a terrorist.” I’m a radio host. I’m not a terrorist, either. What do you need my metadata for, madam? You can’t use that excuse.” Check out today’s transcript for the rest…
Begin Mike Church Show Transcript
Mike: “Citizen Steinfein to Senator Feinstein: Welcome to my world” is where I write about how Senator Feinstein can now experience what all of us experience with the NSA tapping our phones, grabbing our metadata, and all the other nefarious things they did because the CIA spied on Senator Feinstein. There’s no precedent. It’s the executive branch that’s doing it, yet no one in the Injustice Department seems to give a whip about it. Feinstein and Senator Udall, I believe, are one of the ones that are all ginned up and animated about this. Now you know how we feel. [mocking] “Yeah, but I’m a senator. I’m not a terrorist.” I’m a radio host. I’m not a terrorist, either. What do you need my metadata for, madam? You can’t use that excuse.
So, again, folks, it just goes to show the utter futility of continuing on with this national tyranny raining and weighing over all of our heads. We should be big boys and big girls and be honest about it that if it is an alteration in the state of governmental affairs, that is going to require a divorce. I’m just basically coming out of the closet now. I’m tired of dealing with the “What if we do this?” There is no what if. The what if has been going on since Appomattox. It’s not going to get better. The arc of history proves it is going to get worse. The main reason why doesn’t really have anything to do with the government itself. It has to do with human scale. Read Kirkpatrick Sale’s 1981 book Human Scale. I don’t believe it’s in print any longer. You can find it on Amazon and get a used copy of it. I don’t know if Kirk ever had that digitized. It’s a great read. Kirk’s a great writer.
Even though Kirk is a lib at heart, he’s still a secessionist, and he is because he believes in human scale and he knows that we’re out of it. I don’t view the effort to get government back to human scale across the North American continent as a conservative venture or as a liberal venture. It is a venture for human rights and for our ability to self-determine and to govern ourselves. The only way we’re ever going to get government back and get self-government and republicanism and the things that Christopher Ferrara talked about yesterday, the only way you ever get any of that back is to escape out from under the thumb of big, bad bully that currently tyrannizes all of us. It does it with impunity.
In case you’re noticing, it doesn’t matter who the president is. It doesn’t matter what party is in control of Congress. It’s irrelevant. The government itself has been rendered ineffective. It can’t get out of its own way because of its size. It can’t alter its course because of its size.
Now we have members of the United States Senate that are being spied on by agencies that operate under the executive branch. Folks, this is scandalous. This is absolutely scandalous. If there’s not going to be an impeachment over this, what do you need the impeachment clause for? It’s a very severe and grievous offense, but don’t expect anything to come of it. Congress does not want to part with its buddies and its spies. All you’ve got to do is listen to them speak and you’ll find this out. Then listen to someone like Secretary of State John “Rambo” Kerry. Listen to him drone on about our responsibilities to the rest of the known universe. There’s nothing that we’re not responsible to do or fix or address or aid or whatever the case may be.
So if it is truly an escape and a return to republicanism that you desire, there’s only one way to get it, only one way. Believing that we’re going to send and that it’s possible to manage this thing with a crop of brand-new, virtuous Tea Party people is just foolish.
The problem with that is, and I don’t mean to insult tea partiers or try to say that you’re not genuine, because I believe that you are. I’m just trying to direct you in a more productive endeavor. You will net far more results from the effort to escape the monster, escape its claws and to not be governed by it any longer, than you
The Theme song for the NSA-The Mike Church Show Band’s Spyin’ Eyes-available as a single download
ever will trying to fix the monster. Let me put it in one sentence. If it’s dividends for your hard work and passion and your dreams for posterity that you desire, then stop putting eggs in the basket that is Washington, DC, because all it’s going to deliver to you are tears. Get a hanky. Or as Denis Leary says: Congress sucks, get a helmet. It’s not going way.
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If you’re keeping score, it’s not going to get any smaller because it’s a living organism. Just like any other living organism, it’s going to fight for survival. It’s going to do what it has to do to survive, indeed, what it has to do to survive and prosper. The only way it can prosper is if it steals from the rest of us. Don’t expect this to change anytime soon. I just think that’s folly, just foolish. The excuses that we make, [mocking] “What about Lincoln? What about secession? What about the Constitution? The clause isn’t in there.” Who gives a damn what clause is or isn’t in there? The people that oppose this are tyrants themselves.
Mandeville, LA – Exclusive Transcript – "Abortion, and even contraception, even in the prevention of pregnancy, is verboten in church teaching. This goes all the way back prior – this is taken directly from the gospels, directly from the Old Testament, and then passed on traditionally." Check out today’s transcript […]
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