The Mike Church Show

Send The Asteroid: Orwell Didn’t Factor In Millennials in “1984” – Mike Church Show

todayJuly 18, 2018 4


Mandeville, La

Time  Red Pill Topics & Headlines


Welcome to the Mike Church Show on Call the show 844-5CRUSADE

The Martyrs of Compiègne premier last night.

Father Peyton and Westwood One – A Cold Call to Bing Crosby and a Radio Program Begins

  • Hollywood and Media – this is what we should be doing. More radio like this…
  • LIVE broadcasts like The Martyrs of Compiègne that we create, promote and have families gather around and listen to them together.
  • Another reason to stop by Crusade Channel site and JOIN or DONATE today!
  • This things are expensive to produce and the voice talent, the musical talent and the producer doesn’t work for free.
  • Let’s pay these talented people for their chosen vocations.

Make Canon212 your first place to get news each day. Canon212 – News of the Church and the World.


The “In My Feelings Challenge”

Shiggy Explains the Story Behind Drake’s “In My Feelings” Viral Dance Challenge

  • There is a civilization crisis here.
  • If you listen to this music, this is what uneducated, pagan, barbarian hoards would listen to.

Do business with those that do business with us. BullDog Kia have been with us since day one of Veritas Radio Network and the Crusade Channel. Get your Kia today from the fine folks at BullDog Kia in Atlanta Georgia.

BRAVE BROWSER: Now you can support the Crusade Channel without spending a DIME! Simply use the url to download the BRAVE browser and WE get credit:

We can earn up to $50,000 for the downloads if our listeners use this browser.


 Mark Stein wrote a piece –

HEADLINE: The Thirty Years War by Mark Steyn

Mark Steyn’s Song of the Week

  • “That’s another reason I don’t like the term “popular culture”—because hardly any individual examples of popular culture are that popular.” 
  • “Popular culture has dwindled down to a bunch of mutually hostile unpopular popular cultures.”
  • You can see this if you are plugged into the internet in any way.
  • Everyone is an author, a photographer pick your profession. Everyone is apparently born with these talents.

If you like what you are hearing here on The Crusade Channel, please consider making a one time donation.


Welcome back to The Mike Church Show! Call the Crusade Channel at 844-5CRUSADE! Join our FREE LIVE chatroom where you can chat with fellow Crusaders.



NEW Crusade Channel App

  • Does it have member access? You cannot share data bases.
  • The data base is NOT linked to VRN website.
  • The VRN Content App is now officially launched and the VRM v 3.0 is here. This totally new smartphone/tablet app puts the power of world-class content distribution and consumption into our avid fans hands. Here’s how to start taking advantage of the app and its awesome content delivery features. 1. Download it for iPhones here. Download it for Samsungs here. 2. If you are a Founders Pass member at Founding Brother level or higher, DO NOT TRY AND LOGIN!! You’ll need a new password FOR THIS APP. 3. Click the “Forgot my password” button and enter your Founders Pass membership-linked email address. 4. Check your email, click the reset link, reset your password, then go back to the app and login. 5. BAM!! Make sure you explore the preferences/settings features to customize your playback and recording/downloading preferences! 6. There is a handy “Help” button that the LibSyn folks manage to assist with any issues. We’ll adding hundreds of shows in the coming weeks and of course all shows ready for download or On-Demand are now being loaded to this MAJOR upgrade. NEW Crusade Channel App


World broadcast premier last night of The Martyrs of Compiègne on VRN.

The Founders Tradin’ Post now offers “group discounts”. Do you have a Latin Mass Society or Bible study group? Contact the store manager and she will get you a discount code specifically for YOUR group.
British Open is this weekend –

On NBC and the Golf channel


HEADLINE: George Orwell: The Forgotten Prophet by Joseph Pearce

Please upgrade from basic monthly or basic yearly to Brother monthly or yearly! Please help keep our radio station alive. We also have Founding Father and Crusader levels.

iWatch – Mike shows his conductors pocket watch

Jurassic Park : Is It Heavy?



Back to HEADLINE by Joseph Pearce

RISE Herp Albert & Tijuana Brass

  • Orwell’s dystopian novel was so successful and so influential that he was seen as something of a prophet.
  • Why are we still in NATO?
  • Trump and Tucker Carlson
  • If you can’t give me a reason why an 18 year old kid in Calcasieu parish should go fight with our NATO partners, what spoils will he bring home from this conflict?
  • If there are no spoils, why do we fight?





Special Guest Brother Andre Marie

Follow Brother Andre here:

  • The Lavender Mafia
  • Reparations and devotions to the Holy Face Chaplet – God’s rights come first, when you deny God’s rights things go very wrong.
  • Now we have queer Priests that became Bishops.
  • He applies the same curse to those that commit the sin of sodomy, as those that excuse it.
  • We need the devotion to the Holy Face to assist with this.
  • A National Campaign to make these reparations for the Priests and clergy that are practicing sodomy.
  • I think we have a very recent example of Mother Mary interceding for us with this last Presidential election.
  • Not a member of his fan club but I do appreciate many of the things he does.
  • Focus on – I caution against a multiplication of numerous devotions that get out of hand.
  • As your prayer life gets better, it should become more simplified.
  • The Traditional Literary gives us what we need.
  • The first victim of these crimes is God. If we don’t think in theses terms we are not thinking supernaturally we are thinking sentimentally.
  • Ultimately we are going to give Glory to God.
  • Render Glory to God in this life and the life to come.
  • We live in a very distracted age.
  • Brother Francis example – Gifts of the Holy Ghost and the Fruits
  • The Mysteries of Christ are our mysteries too.
  • Mártires de Compiègne – Dialogo de Carmelitas (1960)

AUDIO from “Permission to Die”

  • spent the whole night in the Church with their sword all night long
  • Tonight’s ReConquest – Scott Smith from Louisiana
Do business with those that do business with us. McClure Tables they have been with us since day one of Veritas Radio Network and the Crusade Channel. Everything is handmade in the USA!


Welcome to the final segment of The Mike Church Show Call 844-5CRUSADE Join our FREE LIVE chatroom at
Crusader Monastery – The Veritas Radio Network also have a prayer request line. Send your prayer requests to




President Trump and Putin

  • I don’t ever recall tanks driving through Crimea.
  • You can’t use the North Sea year round.
  • What proof do you have of Putin’s diabolical actions?
  • What is driving this thing? The media.


  • What part of the narrative that the Russians rigged the election has been proven?
  • What if it was proven to be true?
  • What are we going to do about it?
  • Are we ready to go to war with Russia?
  • Maybe the profit is the expansion of the entity.
  • Are there more or less people working at the Heritage Foundation now than 5 years ago?
  • There is no such thing as a ‘tax loophole’.
  • The greatest parasite grift in history.
  • QUESTION from earlier – If you can’t give me a reason why an 18 year old kid in Calcasieu parish should go fight with our NATO partners, what spoils will he bring home from this conflict?
  • The irony inside the 10 mile square is that their kids are not out fighting these wars. OUR kids are, the commoners the expendable ones.




 Caller Joe from Pennsylvania –

  • Wars abroad and our need to conquer the world.
  • We learned multinational institutes pour millions into seeing to it that the 3rd world countries stay poor.
  • Population control and population density.
  • America is more important than that door way to Heaven.
 Explanation on what happened with the ASK Foundation since listeners are asking.

Catholic Charities and groups.

Hogs For The Cause

Charitable Works – mentioning on the air when someone has a prayer request and adding them to the Crusader Monastery list.

Genuine acts of charity or mercy just don’t happen anymore.

 BRAVE BROWSER: Now you can support the Crusade Channel without spending a DIME! Simply use the url to download the BRAVE browser and WE get credit: We can earn up to $50,000 for the downloads if our listeners use this browser.
Sign-up for the Daily [r] Newsletter and we will give you $10 to use in our store. Who doesn’t like FREE money?! Shop the Founders Tradin’ Post today for items such as The Marian Option, The Catholic Quest for the Holy Grail, Small is Still Beautiful, Humility of Heart, Dressing with Dignity and much more.

Meta-tags for show

Brother Andre Marie, tax loophole, President Trump, Putin, Crimea, Russia, Heritage Foundation, NATO, Permission to Die, Georges Bernanos, Fr. Slattery, Holy Face, ASK Foundation, Father Peyton, The Martyrs of Compiègne, In My Feelings Challenge, Joseph Pearce, Herp Albert & Tijuana Brass

Written by: TheKingDude

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