Founders Television

Since When Have State Constitutions Stopped the SCOTUS?

todayJuly 30, 2015 7


Mandeville,LA– This Founders TV Episode was originally published on Jun 4,2013 and is part of the Founders TV/ Post Show Show.

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    Since When Have State Constitutions Stopped the SCOTUS? ClintStroman



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    Since When Have State Constitutions Stopped the SCOTUS? ClintStroman


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Mandeville, LA – Exclusive Video and Audio – Do listeners of this show really believe that the 50 state Constitutions are really going to stop the Supreme Court of the United States from over-ruling them? The DNA case in Maryland should have ended in Maryland, instead it went all the way to the Supreme Court, where they ruled against the Maryland court. The Supreme Court should never have even heard this case, but no, the SCOTUS will over rule the state courts and the state Constitutions and not even think twice about it. For more on this be sure and check out today’s Founders TV and sign up for a Founders Pass if you haven’t already!


Written by: ClintStroman

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