The CRUSADE Radio Network CRUSADE Radio Network
The Mike Church Show-Radio Would Have Thwarted The Trump Assassination Attempt The KingDude
Audio Post Format TheKingDude
Angry White Male makes a comeback as Romney notices 20 point lead among white voters
Michael Phelps becomes the most decorated medalist in Olympic history putting an eerie, temporary, kibosh on the US’s slog into redistribution
Jack Hunter points out that the Libertarian movement has a nasty habit of eating its young, eschewing political victories that come with requisite compromises
DeceptiCONNED, there’s no A in Boehner: The Tan Man makes yet another deal to lock in deficit spending and ballooned national debt-wouldn’t want to campaign on a government shutdown now would we?
Let’s hear it for Fox News (for a change): FOIA request delivers the booty as GSA is shown to have planned and attended over 75 “conferences”
Greenfeld: There’s no way Obama can win this election unless the Republicans do something silly like…nominate Mitt Romney
TIC: One cannot be a Libertarian and a Christian at the same time and here is the thought of Richard Weaver & Wilhelm Roepke to prove it
The Biggest, Baddest, Most decked out military on Earth… and ’tis all for show. How America’s military exists to put on a show for the owners, read taxpayers, back home
Patrick J Buchanan: Romney’s blank check to Israel almost guarantees our participation in the bombing of Iran and the war that will follow-nice job Dan Señor as if Iraq wasn’t enough….
AmConMag’s Dreher: Can churches serve up McMorals that keep the faithful happy and still be a relevant “church”? Hardly, here’s an explanation using Chick Fil-A as a backdrop
Written by: TheKingDude
Boehner Buchanan chick-fil-a decepticon Fox News GSA iran jack hunter Michael Phelps military Obama Richard Weaver romney White voters Wilhelm Roepke
todayAugust 28, 2024 123 1
12:00 am - 11:59 pm
11:40 pm - 11:55 pm
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