
Solution To Sexual Assault In The Military – Retire The Standing Army

todayJune 5, 2013 13


Mandeville, LA – Exclusive Transcript – Now you have hearings in the largest capitol building in the United States, which is the one that sits on the banks of the Potomac River.  Now you have hearings where guys that are dressed in full military regalia, their full complement of their military accomplishments on their epaulettes, on their lapels.  This is what they’ve come to Mordor on the Potomac River to testify about, whether or not the men and women in their charge are sexually friendly with one another.  Maybe there’s a problem in trying to comingle men and women in armed forces situations.  We are talking about an army here after all, aren’t we?  Check out today’s transcript for the rest…


Begin Mike Church Show Transcript

Mike:  “Lawmakers demand crackdown on sex assault in military,” posted in the Washington Compost by Craig Whitlock.  I’m reading this last night and the thought is occurring to me as I am reading the female members of the United States Senate losing their collective cookies over, [mocking] “These nonstop sexual abuses in the Army, you’ve got to get this under control.”  As I’m reading the text of the conversation that goes on between one of the generals and one of the members of the Senate panel, and the mighty and loud protestations about the sexual assault conduct of the many members of this man’s army, how this has to end, we need policies and programs to deal with this, I’m just thinking this is an army.  This is an army!  This is not supposed to be a social laboratory.  This is an army.  It blows things up and it kills people.  We want it to do a lot less of that but that’s what it does.  It goes into foreign lands and finds the enemy and it kills them.  It finds where the enemy’s buildings are and it blows them to smithereens.  It finds where the enemy ships are and it sinks them.  It doesn’t solve the world’s sexual problems.  It doesn’t solve gender inequality.  It doesn’t solve the pay gap.  It doesn’t fix the freaking glass ceiling.  It’s an army!

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But we’ve reached the vainglorious stage in our evolution where not only can our army blow things up and kill people, but we can equalize things between the two sexes across the entire globe.  You just wait and see, we’re going to have all kinds of initiatives and policies and programs and agencies and agents.  We’re gonna do this.  We’re gonna have men and women fighting wars side by side, competing to blow things up and kill people, and they’re all going to love one another and respect one another.  None of them are going to harass or assault one another either.  You understand me, general?  Really, seriously?  That’s what this has now come to?

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Now you have hearings in the largest capitol building in the United States, which is the one that sits on the banks of the Potomac River.  Now you have hearings where guys that are dressed in full military regalia, their full complement of their military accomplishments on their epaulettes, on their lapels.  This is what they’ve come to Mordor on the Potomac River to testify about, whether or not the men and women in their charge are sexually friendly with one another.  Maybe there’s a problem in trying to comingle men and women in armed forces situations.  We are talking about an army here after all, aren’t we?  I don’t believe this has happened.  Where’s the shame and embarrassment here?  I don’t mean the shame and embarrassment that should be felt by virtuous gentlemen of military accomplishment.  I mean to say nothing of that part of it.  Where is the shame and embarrassment that ought to be felt by all the supporters and promoters of our vainglorious armies..

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You do realize now that the armed services, with this continuing scandal, is now basically just another workplace.  That’s all it is, just another workplace that must be conquered.  It must be civilized.  It must be feminized.  It must be equalized.  There’s nothing fair in war.  Nothing is fair about warfare, nothing.  The enemy is not fair.  We hear it all the time.  You decepticons and neocons love to lecture the rest of us about how unfairly Al-Qaeda, [mocking] “Those Islamic terrorists, they’re gonna come over here and kill all of us.  They don’t care.  They don’t play fair.  We’ve gotta get them.  We’ve gotta get them first.”  Yes, but before we go after them, can we all love one another?  Can we all be equally fair?

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Just listen to the setup here.  The uniformed chiefs of the Army, Navy, Air Force, Marine Corps, and Coast Guard — you mean you horn dogs have now infiltrated the Coast Guard?  By the bye, I just wonder if the class of 1828 that came out of West Point, I just wonder if the class of 1828, which included Jefferson Davis and Robert E. Lee and some other select individuals, I just wonder if the class of 1828 that graduated from West Point, I wonder how much sexual training they received.  Yes, there were Union generals in the class of 1828, I just can’t name them.  I wonder how much sexual sensitivity training they received at West Point.  I wonder how much sexual sensitivity training the men who came out of Virginia Military Academy in Lexington, Virginia, the great military academy on earth, I wonder how much sexual training, how much harassment and assault training they received all the way up until the forced integration of the army and the army schools that happened in the 1990s.  I wonder how much sexual training, sexual assault, sexual sensitivity, equality for all kind of training was taught at the Citadel in South Carolina.

magnificent samFolks, we’re talking about the armed forces, emphasis on armed and forces.  These men are not out there, they shouldn’t be out there anyways, to solve the world’s problems, to solve the world’s gender-based problems, the world’s sexual preference problems with the introduction of Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell and what have you.  What does an army do?  What do you want an army to do?  Isn’t this part of the expansion and grotesque growth of the leviathan state?  Isn’t this a logical result of this?  As our national defense leviathan grows to a size and stature beyond anyone’s comprehension that ever lived on the face of the planet, and as the corresponding populous and political apparatus pursue never-ending initiatives to install and promote and to force feed equality even where no equality has ever existed before, isn’t this just the logical result of this?

My goodness, just reading the headline and the first paragraph of the Washington Post story ought to make some of you, especially those of you that receive the kind of gentlemanly, virtuous codes of conduct and honor training that I suspect used to be taught at West Point, used to be taught at Annapolis — maybe they still are but it seems too many people are ignoring it — used to be taught at Virginia Military Institute, used to be taught at the Citadel.  You know that speech from Jack Nicholson in A Few Good Men: we use words like honor, loyalty, integrity.  We use them as a code of living.  You use them as a punchline.  This is just disgraceful.  I don’t mean that it’s disgraceful that it’s happening.  It’s disgraceful that the military is now no longer the military.  It is now just another social institution where Americans dump hundreds of billions of dollars because they can, because it’s fun.  The first paragraph:

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The uniformed chiefs of the Army, Navy, Air Force, Marine Corps and Coast Guard, flanked by dozens of junior officers, jammed into a Senate hearing room Tuesday to field hours of uncomfortable, sometimes withering questions from lawmakers about an epidemic of sexual assaults.

[end reading]

Mike:  I think we need to find everyone that has any sexual desire whatsoever and is in the military and we need to court martial.  We need to bring them before courts martial before this can get out of control.


Senators from both parties made clear they are fed up with years of sex-crime scandals despite repeated declarations from military leaders of “zero tolerance” for sexual abuse.

[end reading]

article-v-pamphlet-adMike:  You do put them in close quarters.  You do deploy them to strange places all around the known universe.  You do separate them from their familial hookups, you know them as husbands and wives.  What do you expect?  What is expected of the cohabitation that is forced upon the military, and I would say forced upon this misguided idea that the United States Army, Navy, Marine Corps, Air Force and what have you must occupy all these bases in strange lands?  We have to have people there.  If you have to have people there and you’re going to have to have them cohabitating with one another, what do you think is going to happen?  How much of what passes as sexual assault and embarrassment and what have you, how much of that is what used to be jokingly referred to as Anita Hill-style sexual harassment?  [mocking] “Look, there’s a pubic hair on my Coke can.”  How much of this is being used because you’re taught to use it for career advancement?  In other words, how much of it is trivial?  I won’t say that none of this is serious and shouldn’t be dealt with.

There are going to be consequences for the forced integration and the forced cohabitation.  There are going to be consequences.  It’s like the stupidity of putting women on the aircraft carriers that are deployed for 30, 40, who knows how many days from a port of call in the United States to go steam over to the Indian Ocean or whatever, hang out at a port for a couple of weeks or months on duty, and then steam back.  What do you think is going to happen when you put 21-year-old horn dog males in close quarters or company with 21-year-old — remember everyone is equal these days — equally horn-dogish females?  You’re going to have the women — women are going to become prego.  I know that happens for a fact because I’ve seen the stories about it.  This is a bird of a different feather, though, isn’t it?

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Senators from both parties made clear they are fed up with years of sex-crime scandals despite repeated declarations from military leaders of “zero tolerance” for sexual abuse. Drawing a wide arc from the Navy’s Tailhook disaster in 1991, when aviators assaulted 90 people during a convention gone wild, to more recent embarrassments such as last month’s arrest of the Air Force’s top sexual-assault prevention officer on charges of sexual battery, legislators pressed all the brass arrayed before them to finally crack down.

[end reading]

Mike:  What if they can’t crack down?  What if vast majorities of the American youths that the armed forces must draw their recruits from, what if the vast majority of American youths are beyond discipline and beyond sexual abstention?  Abstinence is not taught in schools anymore.  Why isn’t it?  Oh, because our mighty federalist state overlords have said kids are going to do it, so we might as well show them how to put condoms on cucumbers.  Aren’t military kids going to do it, too?  Didn’t they learn to put the condom on the cucumber?  Oh, but we’re shocked that this is happening, absolutely positively shocked.  Why are you shocked?  You’ve been encouraging it.  Hell, how many federal programs out there are specifically designed to help young people who failed to put the condom on the cucumber?  It seems to me that the United States senators and those that are huffing and puffing about this are being hoisted by their own petard.


“What’s different this time? What’s different this time, if we have a history of this repeating itself and nothing ever being done?” demanded Sen. Joe Manchin. “It’s almost intolerable that we can continue on this current path.”

[end reading]

Mike:  I have an idea.  I’ll just throw this out there.  Until you can put the condom on the cucumber and all the kids are going to do it so we might as well teach them how to do it, we might as well make movies about it and have Miley Cyrus singing about it and what have you, until you put that genie back in the bottle, and until there’s an actual declared war that requires an armed force of millions of men, why don’t we start retiring the Army?  Maybe try that.  That way if they do it in civilian life, the American federal government doesn’t have to deal with it.  Why don’t we start retiring the Air Force and the Navy?  Why don’t we start recalling them from wherever they may be dispatched across the, now it’s beyond the amber waves of fuel.  Now it’s the amber waves and sands and snowfields of the planet.  Just a thought, just a thought.

End Mike Church Show Transcript


women in military

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Written by: AbbyMcGinnis

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  1. john thames on June 9, 2013

    Armies have two functions: (1) They kill men; (2) They rape women. Thus it has always ben; thus it will always be. How can women defend their country when they cannot even defend their virtue from their own troops? The military used to be a nation’s last line of defense; now it is a tits and ass protection society.
