
St. Anselm Would Condemn Democrats, Not Host Their Sodomy & Abortion “Debate”

todayDecember 20, 2015 10


Mandeville, LA“O wretched lot of man, when he hath lost that for which he was made! O hard and terrible fate! Alas, what has he lost, and what has he found? What has departed, and what remains? He has lost the blessedness for which he was made, and has found the misery for which he was not made.” – St Anselm, Archbishop of Canterbury.

St Anselm college in NH was founded in 1889 by the Order of Benedictine monks. St Benedict is famous to this day for the Dogmatic rigor of his “order” and “rule” and St Anselm, the Archbishop of Canterbury was a faithful servant to that order and rule. A college founded upon the twin, graceful auspices of Benedict and Anselm should, one would think, be a shining example of Catholic orthodoxy and example in a world gone nearly completely mad. Hosting the latest Democratic Party “debate” featuring a trio of promoters and doctrinaire defenders of abortion, sodomite marriage and dozens other heresies without offering fraternal guidance much less correction is, as we shall see, disappointing at best. The school boasts that it’s mission is:

“Saint Anselm is a Catholic, Benedictine College providing all its students a distinctive liberal arts education that incorporates opportunities for professional and career preparation. It does so in a learning community that encourages the lifelong pursuit of the truth and fosters intellectual, moral and spiritual growth to sustain and enrich its graduates’ personal lives, work, and engagement within local, national, and global communities.”

While this flowery “mission” may sound serious to the ears of secular tuned ‘Muricans, the fact that the college omits its most solemn duty with young minds opens it up for the anathema it currently embraces. This should come as no surprise since the school adopted the heresy of “diversity” in 2005 and now “boasts” a “Muslim Students Association” so hosting a “debate” that could have been rich with confrontations on sodomite and abortion advocacy had nary a mention of the topics, as if Mrs Clinton had never heard of Planned Parenthood and Bernie Sanders had never endorsed government funded contraception. This should come as no surprise and that’s the problem isn’t it? As St Peter Damian stated during the throes of a Sodomite invasion then infection of the Church and those seeking or living Holy Orders, the evil of mortal sin cannot be allowed inside the House of God.

“The more aware a person is, the more reprehensible is his offense, because anyone who, had he wished, could prudently have avoided sin, will inevitably deserve punishment. For as James says, “Everyone who knows what is the right thing to and does not do it commits a sin.”  And Truth itself- says, “Everyone to whom much is given, of him more will be required.” If a learned man violates the right order of ecclesiastical law, it would be surprising if an ignorant man observed it.”

If we admit that the student is ignorant of collegial learning at entry than whom would he look to for an observed law than those charged with treating his ignorance? But the sin committed by the fathers/mothers or fathers who will soon be mothers and vice versa at St. Anselm is even worse, for they have taken charge of the education and Catechesis of the yewts or at least they used to. We need no better source of the gravity of this sin than we learn from the Truth himself.

“But he that shall scandalize one of these little ones that believe in me, it were better for him that a millstone should be hanged about his neck, and that he should be drowned in the depth of the sea.”

To be fair the questions asked and the slimy answers given Saturday night dodged sodomite marriage, abortion, baby body parts, compulsory contraception payments (via ObamaCare), the Little Sisters of the poor, the unJust wars begun then continued by Mrs Clinton, the Democrat party’s embrace of euthanasia and a list of the modernism heresies so long, space and your patience does not permit their listing here but again, that’s the problem. Precisely what does a “Catholic Liberal Arts College” stand for and defend on its campus? It sure isn’t the tradition or the Order of St Benedict, St Anselm or the Truth.

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Host of the Mike Church Show on The Veritas Radio Network's CRUSADE Channel & Founder of the Veritas Radio Network. Formerly, of Sirius/XM's Patriot channel 125. The show began in March of 2003 exclusively on Sirius and remains "the longest running radio talk show in satellite radio history".

Written by: TheKingDude

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