CRUSADE channel

“Stand In The Place Where You Live” Is Not Just An REM Tune – The Mike Church Show

todayJuly 27, 2018 10


Mandeville, La

Time  Red Pill Topics & Headlines


Welcome to the Mike Church Show on Call the show 844-5CRUSADE

Friday’s Pile of Prep:


AUDIO/VIDEO: Father John Hollowell Homily

  • Father knocks this out of the park!
  • The Church is on Fire and not in a good way.

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Sodomite Sacristans –

  • This has been decades in the making.
  • Pope Leo XIII had the vision – give me 100 years and I will topple Your Church.
  • At that point the St. Michael prayer was written on September 25, 1888
  • The Oath Against Modernism by Pope Pius X 1910

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HEADLINE: Why, despite everything, I am still a Catholic by Tim Stanley

  • “Why on earth do we stay in a Church in which clerics commit sexual abuse? The easiest answer is realism. We tell ourselves that some sexual predators are drawn to seminaries, just as paedophiles seek out institutions that work with children, regardless of whether they’re religious or not. Public schools, choirs, scouts: the cancer grows everywhere.” – Tim Stanley
  • This is criminal behavior, criminals are sinners.
  • When we commit sin, grave mortal sins, in God’s court we are criminals.  
  • “I might like to imagine that McCarrick and I have nothing in common, but the reality is we belong to the same Church, and this has consequences for both of us.”
  • Catholicism has all the answers, including to its own problems, and it asks us to be courageous. We all have to admit that we are capable of doing wrong and of being hurt. These are two very different things, yes, but they both involve the wounding of a soul, and what the Church offers to the injured is reconciliation and healing.”


 HEADLINE: Mother of infant burned to death arrested by Vickie Welborn


Welcome back to The Mike Church Show! Call the Crusade Channel at 844-5CRUSADE! Join our FREE LIVE chatroom where you can chat with fellow Crusaders.


Special Guest Debbie Schlussel with her weekend movie reviews:

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Back to HEADLINE: Mother of infant burned to death arrested by Vickie Welborn

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 HEADLINE: Can Mick Jagger Be a Worthy Role Model? by Joseph Pearce

  • You are a second rate copycat you little American Hipster.
  • There are cultures that have been doing the stretching of the earlobes and tattoos using things that God gave them.
Do business with those that do business with us. McClure Tables they have been with us since day one of Veritas Radio Network and the Crusade Channel. Everything is handmade in the USA!


Welcome to the final segment of The Mike Church Show Call 844-5CRUSADE Join our FREE LIVE chatroom at
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 The Weekly BeeGees Medley




Special Guest today Father Nix –

  • Grandma Pearl – purgatory corporal works of mercy
  • Praying for the souls in purgatory
  • Most Catholics go to Hell and then purgatory and those that go to Heaven is the smallest number.
  • When we are at our judgement we see how many chances Our Lord gave us.
  • Cardinal McCarrick if he goes to confession will be absolved just as us sinners are absolved when we go to confession.
  • Purgatory – 3 children asking Our Blessed Mother of their family and friends – the 14 year old in Purgatory until the end of time.
  • I made a last minute perfect Act of Contrition but we die as we live.
  • Confession isn’t a magic trick but a promise to live a better life.
  • Lifesite News  HeadlineMcCarrick is ‘tip of the iceberg’: Polish priest who warned of gay bishops 5 years ago by Dorothy Cummings McLean
  • “According to reliable estimates, it is estimated that about 30-40% of priests and 40-50% of bishops in the USA have homosexual inclinations”
  • “My Immaculate Heart WILL triumph.”
  • One of the big fights in the Catholic Church right now is this….the 10% liberals coupled with the diabolical disorientation can push them to use others as scapegoats.
  • This is definitely a global problem.
  • The church of St. Francis Xavier (New Orleans) – the laity built this Church moving one stone at a time!
  • Back then they were giving 20-30% of their time building fundraising and donating for their Church and parish.
  • Overturn the overturning of Tradition – Our Lady promises we will see the ‘happy restoration’.
  • There is only ONE faith.
  • The Red Rose Rescue – an unjust law is not a law
  • 98%-100% of the time we will get arrested but we do it anyway in the hopes to save a baby.
  • Ultimate Goal of the Red Rose Rescue – Salvation of the soul and the saving of these babies.
  • The Personhood Act


 Back to HEADLINE: Can Mick Jagger Be a Worthy Role Model? by Joseph Pearce

A Call To Arms: Join Me In The Confraternity of The CRUSADER Knights of The Most Holy Rosary

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Meta-tags for show

Red Rose Rescue, Fr. David Nix, Joseph Pearce, Rod Dreher, Dorothy Cummings McLean, purgatory, Cardinal McCarrick, St. Francis Xavier, Mick Jagger, confession, Canon 212, Tim Stanley, Fr. John Holloway

Written by: TheKingDude

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