Church Doctrine

Suicide Prevents a Miracle

todayOctober 9, 2014 17

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    Suicide Prevents a Miracle TheKingDude


Suicide Prevents a Miracle

©2014 Mike Church

“I want to die on my own terms”. This is the slogan 29 year old Brittany Maynard, a terminal brain cancer patient, has attached to her physician assisted suicide which is available in the Culture of Death capitol of Oregon and has millions of Americans boo-hooing into their organic milk. Maynard goes on to say. “Who has the right to tell me that I don’t deserve this choice?” I can answer that question, God, and believe it or not Brittany, he has a plan for you. It may or may not include your “suffering” but it does include the clause “his will be done.” Even if you don’t buy that argument because it’s “religious” there’s another important reason “assisted suicide” must be opposed and many of you already fear it: medical death panels from state run health care plans like “ObamaCare”.

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    Suicide Prevents a Miracle TheKingDude


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    Suicide Prevents a Miracle TheKingDude

Take the case of Barbara Wagner for instance. She was diagnosed with a relapse of cancer. When her Dr informed Barbara of this he offered the hope of chemotherapy drugs that could treat Barbara and prolong her life. Barbara asked Oregon’s Medicaid administration to authorize payment for the drugs and instead received a letter notifying her that the state would NOT authorize the chemo but would authorize the same physician assisted suicide drugs Brittany Maynard plans to take and that’s the moral dilemma. By Maynard’s own admission she is blessed with the wealth & “resources” to move to Oregon for the suicide prescription.

“I met the criteria for death with dignity in Oregon, but establishing residency in the state to make use of the law required a monumental number of changes. I had to find new physicians, establish residency in Portland, search for a new home, obtain a new driver’s license, change my voter registration and enlist people to take care of our animals, and my husband, Dan, had to take a leave of absence from his job. The vast majority of families do not have the flexibility, resources and time to make all these changes.”

Her blessings and the endorsement of the State sanctioning her suicide is no blessing at all, unless you are a promoter of the culture of death. The State making legal the attainment of the chemicals needed to execute the act and the State providing fake, “moral” cover for the act legitimizes the State’s other lethal choices: abortion and yes, denial of medical services for the chronically ill, like Barbara Wagner and Randy Stroup.

Maynard’s death will thus be used to justify the death sentence Barbara Wagner and hundreds of others would give anything to avoid. I am also reminded of the story of Rod Dreher’s sister Ruthie Leming and how she “met death with dignity” by waiting for God to choose the moment she had loved her last with Rod, his brother-in-law, her children and an entire town in Southern Louisiana. Then there’s the story of Ann who is also a terminal cancer patient and has penned an open letter to Brittany, pleading with her to not give the death pushers her death to use as a tool to expand their macabre industry.

Today we learned the sad but glorifying fate of “baby Shane” who was carried to full-term by his dear Mother and supported by his father so they could spend mere hours with their terminally ill son, have him baptized as a Roman Catholic and then watch as he gracefully expired, knowing his seat in heaven had been secured. Life and every second we are accorded it’s miserable sufferings and all too ephemeral triumphs is precious, and lived on His terms. Not knowing the day of our soul’s departure is part of Christ’s plan of salvation, forcing the sinner in all of us to constantly seek the kingdom of heaven through good works and prayerful devotion, precisely because we DON’T know that fateful moment in advance.

Ms Maynard is not “dying on her own terms”, she is dying on the terms dictated by the death druids of Oregon. Her death will guarantee more deaths and more suffering for all the wrong reasons, those are “terms” any society should reject. Besides, has no-one ever heard of “miracles?”


Mike Church is a New Orleans native and a radio host appearing daily on the SiriusXM Patriot Channel. He is an author and editor of “Patrick Henry-American Statesman” and is the writer and director of 7 Docudramas on American history including “The Spirit of ‘76” and the recently released “Times That try Men’s Souls-Washington’s Crossing”.

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Host of the Mike Church Show on The Veritas Radio Network's CRUSADE Channel & Founder of the Veritas Radio Network. Formerly, of Sirius/XM's Patriot channel 125. The show began in March of 2003 exclusively on Sirius and remains "the longest running radio talk show in satellite radio history".

Written by: TheKingDude

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  1. @MilkMushMeat on October 9, 2014

    While personal suicide is a crime against oneself and the creator that gifted his life, there are far greater dangers coming as “selfish suicide” becomes mainstream. What if the sufferer is a child? Can the parents, having legal custody of the child decide that the suffering should end? The child, trusting of his parents, cut off from whatever life he may have left not legally or experientially able to make the decision for himself? And what if The State is the custodian of the aged or minor sufferer? Will they really even be considering the what is best for their ward, or the resources saved by “putting them down,” freeing the monetary and societal resources for the ‘useful’ healthy?

    Assisted suicide is the direct result of Roe v. Wade and the Supreme Courts decision that life is not sanctified or sacred, but disposable with a thought, then an action, never considering the far reaching consequences as this poison spreads through society.
