Founders Television

The Supreme Court vs The NSA, When Will The Ultimate Smackdown Happen?

todayNovember 19, 2013 7

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    The Supreme Court vs The NSA, When Will The Ultimate Smackdown Happen? ClintStroman

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    The Supreme Court vs The NSA, When Will The Ultimate Smackdown Happen? ClintStroman


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    The Supreme Court vs The NSA, When Will The Ultimate Smackdown Happen? ClintStroman

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Mandeville, LA – Exclusive Video and Audio – There was an attempt to drag the NSA into the Supreme Court and the Supreme Court resisted. More than likely, the Supreme Court was just waiting on the right case (if that makes sense) so they could issue the decision that they kinda already have planned, which would be that they don’t believe that what the NSA is doing is Constitutional (mostly, it’ll probably be a mixed bag of opinions). The group that brought the case to the Supreme Court is being sent down to the lower courts, where it will linger for years… all the while we are being spied upon. So why doesn’t the Supreme Court go ahead and jump in and smack the NSA down? Isn’t that the point of a high court? For more on this be sure and check out today’s Founders TV and sign up for a Founders Pass if you haven’t already!

typewriter_girl NSA

Written by: ClintStroman

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