
20 Results / Page 2 of 3


Founders Television

Consumerism Will Save The American Economy!

Mandeville, LA - Exclusive Video and Audio - There's a headline at that says that "Can US Consumers Save The Economy?". But isn't consumerism what's wrong with America? Isn't there another school of thought, from Wilhelm Röpke and others, that says that consuming will not get us out of debt? So this article is nothing more than an attempt at trying to get Americans to try and get their […]

todayOctober 15, 2013 6

Founders Television

America Wasn’t Magically Created in 1776

Mandeville, LA - Exclusive Video and Audio - There was an America and an American people long before the Founding, long before the writing and ratifying of the Constitution. But don't tell the Decepticons, or New Jacobins as Claes Ryn calls them, because they will tell you that American Exceptionalism was born in 1776... but it's just not true. There was over a century of American tradition before 1776, and […]

todayMay 20, 2013 4

Founders Television

Think You Can Get Out Of Paying Taxes By Renouncing Your U.S. Citizenship? Guess Again.

Mandeville, LA - Exclusive Video and Audio - People are renouncing their United States Citizenship in droves... and why you might ask? To get away from Obamacare, to get away from the Federal Tyranny, and of course to get away from paying Federal Income Taxes. However if you still want to do business in the United States, as most of the people who are renouncing their citizenship will want to […]

todayMay 9, 2013 6


Germany Survived And America Will Survive Too

Mandeville, LA – Exclusive Transcript – If the people of Germany could survive the Kaiser, World War I, Weimar Republic, unbelievable inflation, the rise of national socialism, the rise of Nazism, World War II, and then come out on the other side wealthier and better off than they were when they went in, I think we’re going to do okay as Americans. We’re resourceful. We have, as I said, an […]

todayApril 11, 2013 10

Founders Television


Mandeville, LA - Exclusive Video and Audio - The only thing that is truly exceptional about America is our military, namely the fact that we are the only country in the history of the known universe to use Nuclear weapons on another people. The end of the war was brought about more hastily because of the use of nuclear weapons but does that make it moral? The only conclusion that […]

todayMarch 20, 2013 11

Founders Television

Courage Needs To Go Beyond Facebook and Twitter Updates

Mandeville, LA - Exclusive Video and Audio - Brad Birzer has an article at The Imaginative Conservative entitled "Reflections on A Republic Divided to the Point of Collapse". In the article, Brad makes the point that our nation has always been divided, much as it is now, and the only time that men from different parts of the country truly work together is when they must sacrifice themselves for the […]

todayJanuary 29, 2013 11


Premiers To Fear: Obama And Romney Want To Rule the World

Mandeville, LA - Exclusive Transcript - We have civilian control over military affairs. That’s supposed to be the American tradition. In the last 40 years, we really don’t have civilian control, see Vietnam War. We’re supposed to have civilian control over military affairs. If the people don’t want to go to war, you don’t go to war. If the people don’t support a war, you end the war. This is […]

todayOctober 23, 2012 10


Hey DeceptiCONS: Do We Have to Spread Some American Exceptionalism in Bangladesh?

Mandeville, LA - Exclusive Transcript - I believe somewhere in my closet at home, I have at least one shirt that was sewn together by the people of Bangladesh. They’re big into textiles. Should we get together and have a Bangladesh burning party? We’ll all get our fabrics and shirts together and anything that has been made in Bangladesh. I think I bought the Bangladeshi shirt because I try not […]

todayOctober 18, 2012 6


How to Define a Conservative and Liberal

Mandeville, LA - Exclusive Transcript - The true conservative in the mold of [r]epublicans like Madison and Washington and Taylor of Caroline and the Englishman Burke and 20th century versions you would find like Tolkien and C.S. Elliott and Russell Kirk and others, they would not recognize today’s conservatives. I think that says an awful lot of bad things about today’s conservatives. I used to ask the question: what is […]

todaySeptember 21, 2012 11
