barbacoa brotherhood

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Gentleman's Corner

Barbecue, Hogs For The Cause, And Mike’s Southern Cooking For Needy Families

Mike Church explains why he is participating in his 11th, Hogs For The Cause event and why you should support him in it! I Can Attest To The Uniqueness of Southern Living and The Beautiful Charity of Southerners by Mike Church There's a cool piece at the American Conservative about The South, 90 years after "I'll Take My Stand" was published. The author concludes that we may have surrendered 0ur […]

todayJune 1, 2021 29

Pile Of Prep

Wisdom Wednesday Prep-The Enduring Charm Of Spring In The South!

Veritas et Sapientia - "To abolish the Electoral College would derogate from federalism, a principle of American politics which must be vigorously upheld, especially in these days of behemothic governmental growth. This political perspective (fearing power and upholding principles which limit such power), while not uniquely Catholic, ought to be routinely Catholic." - Deacon James Toner Mandeville, LA - Today's Pile of Prep: all of the stories and research used to […]

todayMarch 27, 2019 7

Mike Church's Barbacoa Brotherhod

Hogs For Cause 2018 Fundraiser-Join Mike’s Barbacoa Brotherhood & Help Kill Pediatric Brain Cancer

Mandeville, LA - Over the last 6 years, Mike Church Show listeners have donated over $125,000 to Hogs For The Cause, a New Orleans area charity that serves the entire United States and families that have children suffering pediatric brain-cancers. My cooking team is legendary in these parts as the go-to guys when a charity event needs great food and we're proud of that tradition. The Barbacoa Brotherhood now has […]

todayMarch 20, 2018 11


Time To Show Our Charity & Bid On RARE Auction Items From Mike’s Founding father Films

Mandeville, LA - I am once again raising funds via my BARBACOA BROTHERHOOD charity cooking team for the annual Hogs For The Cause Foundation which provides cash grants to families with children suffering pediatric brain cancers. This year's response has been tremendous, thank you! I am now offering some extraordinarily rare items from my movie production company, Founding Father films. These items are available in only one place on Earth: […]

todayMarch 22, 2017 7
