
149 Results / Page 8 of 17



De Homine Lecture 7

Mandeville, LA - The Audio instruction and discussion from Wednesday, 22 March 2017, on Brother Francis Maluf's de Homine lecture series Number 7. This is the audio recorded from the CRUSADE Channel featuring Brother André Marie and moderator Mike Church. A listing of de Homine postings is below

todayMarch 23, 2017 10


The Yankees Are From New York And The Church is From Rome

Mandeville, LA - This Lent I am attempting to increase my daily mortifications, an act that must look to the Agnostic or denominational like a scene from the new TV Series Bates Motel as many a  voyeur wonders "who is that wacko talking to over that sugar boat!?" I'm also increasing the amount of Catholic works and literature I read, praying that eschewing Killing Lincoln for Augustine's City of God might keep […]

todayMarch 15, 2017 3


Our Society Is Celebrity Driven

Mandeville, LA – Exclusive Transcript – "As we should talk about more often here on this show and other shows, government solves things for the benefit of the common good.  That’s all that it is supposed to do.  It cannot solve things, should not solve things that are for the benefit of the individual.  When they are for the benefit of the individual, then they cannot be for the benefit […]

todayMarch 7, 2017 9


They Called Her A Liar, Today We Call Her Saint Bernadette

Mandeville, LA - Yesterday, February 11 was the 163rd anniversary of a miracle we are all familiar with. A French peasant girl named Bernadette Soubirous was gathering firewood with her sister and a friend. As she approached a grotto near a river, she saw a light coming from a spot near a rosebush. The light surrounded a woman who wore a white dress and held a rosary. Seeing the lady in […]

todayFebruary 12, 2017 10


“Conserving America?: Essays on Present Discontents” – Patrick Deneen

Mandeville, LA – Exclusive Transcript – "My special guest is Patrick Deneen, the author.  His latest book is called Conserving America?: Essays on Present Discontents. You were mentioning Chesterton earlier, speaking of fish.  It’s either in Orthodoxy or What’s Wrong with the World.  There’s one paragraph in there when he writes about the dead float downstream with the current.  Only the living can swim upstream." Check out today’s transcript for […]

todayFebruary 6, 2017 28

Pile Of Prep

Free Phone Friday Pile of Prep

"...Only Angry, Ugly, Homosexual, Pro-Choice Women, are Women" Mandeville, LA - Today's Pile of Prep: most of the stories and research used to put together the Mike Church Show on the Veritas Radio Network's CRUSADE Channel. 2016 is here and WELCOME to the All-New, Mike Church Show on the CRUSADE Channel, listen LIVE for Free (don't cost nuthin'). Sapientia et Veritas - "The phrase ['Muricah First] sank after Pearl Harbor, though in […]

todayJanuary 27, 2017 12


VINDICATION: The Obama, Atheist Epidemic Demanded A PUBLIC Response, I Tried To Make One

Mitter Chur, You Had A Have a Good Show Until Now That You Started Talking About Catholicism Mandeville, LA  - Our long, national nightmare is over, the Obama Presidency, yay. So too is the calumny I have tried to cheerfully endure since realizing that our land's problem was and is spiritual, not political, that even if it were political, the politics are but a symptom of the ultimate rot: a divorce from what […]

todayJanuary 12, 2017 10


Hillary Claims Mariah Carey’s Earbud Was Hacked By Russians!

Mandeville, LA - 2017 begins worse than 2016: The Judgement Pornosphere™ is ablaze over Mariah Carey's New Year's Eve singing woes completely missing the fact that Carey appeared nearly naked in front of millions! Since when do 'Muricans care about actual talent over lustful jollies!? The featured image above is the most modest one I could find of Carey's appearance, note that from a distance, the "suit" color make Carey […]

todayJanuary 2, 2017 5

Veritas et Sapientia

Veritas et Sapientia-Voting To Halt Mass Immigration Is An Act of Self-Preservation

Mandeville, LA - "The phenomenon of white flight, of physical separation between the ideological cannon fodder classes and the liberal ruling class, represents the harvest of this economic energy. Functional liberal ruling and productive working classes require a frontier into which they can escape from the consequences of liberalism’s triumphs. What cities like Baltimore and Detroit show is that even in America this is breaking down: instead of the head fake […]

todayNovember 16, 2016 8
