insert_link Catholicism The Real St. Patrick Story Defies The Secular Fairy Tale aka Why Mike Was Too Catholic For Satellite Radio "The show excerpt below is a grand example of why Chris Ferrara proclaimed me as "Too Catholic For Satellite Radio". If you were in SiriusXM programming, this was exhibit A for the prosecution and I am thankful to God and the intercession of Saint Patrick et al that Ferrara's claim is - humbly, hopefully - True! - Mike" Mandeville, LA (recorded March 17th, 2015) – Exclusive Transcript – "Here’s partial lyrics […] todayMarch 17, 2017 14
insert_link Transcripts Wisdom Wednesday -Grace Is Available To Anyone Mandeville, LA – Exclusive Transcript – "I think that this is the biggest challenge in the modern world here. I don’t think that you can convince anyone of anything. I think that you can put something in front of them and their goodwill is either going to act positively upon it or it’s going to reject it. And I think this is where modern conservatism also just takes it off […] todayMarch 6, 2017 9
insert_link Catholicism Brother Alexis Bugnolo and Ordo Militaris Mandeville, LA – Exclusive Transcript – "Why don’t you tell the people at home, start wherever you wish, Brother, with the inspiration that caused you to think that you needed to do something about what is going on with the insurgency or the rise of what I call orthodox Islam, doing what is done for 1200 years against the Christian people in France, in one instance, and certainly all across […] todayNovember 9, 2016 32
insert_link Transcripts Muslim Culture And Rape (Pt.1) Mandeville, LA – Exclusive Transcript – "Of course, Andrew Bieszad is our resident Islamic scholar here on the Crusade Channel, part of the Veritas Radio Network. He’s referencing Father Nicholas Gruner, who was the proprietor of the Fatima Center and, I believe. Of course, Chris Ferrara knew him very well as well. I guess Ferrara is kind of trying to carry on some of the work. The subject you […] todayNovember 4, 2016 15
insert_link Veritas et Sapientia Veritas et Sapientia-How To Live Traditionally In Modernity Mandeville, LA - The advantage of us moderns is that, living in the wake of so many varied forms of Christian life, we have this vast field of spiritualities already there before us with which to compensate for our own narrowness, to remind us of all that we need to complement our own partiality,·on our road-to wholeness. Which is why I'm chary of the possible resonance of "a modern catholicism," […] todayNovember 4, 2016 9
insert_link Catholicism Rosaries For The Electoral Defeat of Mrs. Hillary Rodham Clinton Are WORKING, Pray Up! Mandeville, LA - Back in September I wrote with great shock and sadness that 2 separate public opinion polls showed that the diabolical, Nephilim spawn of Satan & Margaret Sanger, Hillary Clinton, was leading among "Catholics" by a disgraceful 61-37 margin. It was then that I urged listeners and readers to add the following intention to their then, Novena for Our Nation, Rosaries. "For the November 8th, electoral defeat of […] todayOctober 31, 2016 5
insert_link Veritas et Sapientia Veritas et Sapientia-Christianity Has Been Found Difficult And Left Untried Mandevilla, LA - Of course, I mean that Catholicism was not tried; plenty of Catholics were tried, and found guilty. My point is that the world did not tire of the church's ideal, but of its reality. Monasteries were impugned not for the chastity of monks, but for the unchastity of monks. Christianity was unpopular not because of the humility, but of the arrogance of Christians. Certainly, if the church failed […] todayAugust 30, 2016 11
insert_link Veritas et Sapientia Veritas et Sapientia-The 54 Day Novena of Cardinal Burke, For ‘Muricah Mandeville, LA - "There is no doubt that our beloved nation is in one of the worst crises which it has ever experienced, a profound moral crisis which generates division on all levels and results in an ever-greater more pervasive violence and killing. For Roman Catholics, who have always been known for their faith-filled patriotism, the first response to this crisis is fervent prayer and, in particular, prayer through the […] todayAugust 15, 2016 7
Mike Church Mike Church Show PM Drive Edition! The Life & Times of St John Fisher Mandeville, LA - If you missed our special afternoon drive edition of the Mike Church Show's commemoration of The Life and Times of St John Fisher whose feast day is today (June 22nd) you missed a full blown audio and video bio pic of the revered and reverent Saint/martyr for The Faith. Our Founders Pass members can view the video and download the audio right here. Not a Founders Pass […] todayJune 22, 2016 3
insert_link Mike Church Presents The Red Pill Diaries Podcasts Listener Calls Crusade Channel “Rolex Quality” – The Mike Church Show todayFebruary 27, 2018 1757