City of God

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Veritas et Sapientia

Veritas et Sapientia-Modern Gubbmints Arrived At The Crossroad of God & Moloch And All Chose Moloch

Mandeville, LA - Analogies can easily be multiplied, if one wants to push a thesis; but the point is that the greatest threat to world peace and international justice is the nation state gone bad, claiming an absolute power, deciding questions and making “laws” beyond its competence. The world divorced from the God who created and redeemed it inevitably comes to a bad end. Few there are, however, who would venture […]

todayJanuary 8, 2018 6

Pile Of Prep

Veritas et Sapientia-St Augustine: What Is Empire Other Than Theft?

Mandeville, LA -  Whether the Great Extent of the Empire, Which Has Been Acquired Only by Wars, is to Be Reckoned Among the Good Things Either of the Wise or the Happy. Now, therefore, let us see how it is that they dare to ascribe the very great extent and duration of the Roman empire to those gods whom they contend that they worship honorably, even by the obsequies of vile […]

todayMay 19, 2016 10


Augustine Can Be As Useful Today As He Was In 4th Century

 Has Augustine Become Irrelevant? Mandeville, LA – Exclusive Transcript – "Our brothers and sisters out there, unfortunately not all of them are not brothers and sisters in Christ, but our brothers and sisters are corrupt.  We’re corrupt.  My pursuit of an upward flight, your pursuit of an upward flight, of animating your soul requires all of your effort, all of it, not some of it, all of it.  This is why […]

todayJanuary 8, 2015 7
