insert_link Transcripts Secularization Of Modern Society Mandeville, LA – Exclusive Transcript – "In other words, how did we get to Brexit? How did we get to the Texas Supreme Court abortion case? How did this sinking come about? That’s the question we ought to be asking. When you can answer that question, then you can diagnose a solution or, I say more importantly, forget solving the problem. You can’t solve the problem for 320 million people." […] todayJuly 10, 2016 10
Daily Clip Five-Year-Olds Parade For “Transgender-comfort”. I Wonder Why Their Parents Aren’t Paraded At a Perp-Walk? Mandeville, LA – Exclusive Transcript – "Here’s the headline from yesterday, CBS News Channel 2 in New York, “Parade Of Superheroes Held To Confront Gender Stereotyping Of Children.” Now, the parade consisted of four- and five-year-olds. So you’ve got four- and five-year-olds dressed up like Spiderman and Captain America and Iron Man, or Iron Woman now I guess, marching in the streets to demand comfort for their transgendered classmates. Four-year-olds!" […] todayJune 11, 2015 7
insert_link Transcripts Americans Lack Imagination For Things Like iPad Schools And Secession Mandeville, LA – Exclusive Transcript – I just think people should explore the possibilities, should not be wed to this jingoistic nationalism that we all must be wed to, and ought to think about what’s best for us and our children in your region, where it is you live, where it is that your community is. If it’s not membership in this union that spies on you and taxes you […] todayJuly 3, 2013 10
insert_link Transcripts “Normal” In Modern Society Is No Indicator Of Morals Or Virtues Mandeville, LA – Exclusive Transcript – Frohnen writing at Imaginative Conservative, a brilliant essay under the title “What is Normal? Culture Wars & the Boy Scouts.” I think this has everything to do with it. Is it even permissible to describe anything as normal today if it’s not really abnormal? Abnormal is basically then the new normal. Check out today’s transcript for the rest… todayMay 29, 2013 20
insert_link Mike Church Presents The Red Pill Diaries Podcasts Listener Calls Crusade Channel “Rolex Quality” – The Mike Church Show todayFebruary 27, 2018 1757