Crusade Magazine

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The Mike Church Show Episode 355 Podcast: Practice Makes Permanent And So Does The GOP HealthCare Bill

Mandeville, LA – If you have been wondering what is in the new Republican “ObamaCare repeal and replace” read this piece by Pete Suderman. You might also wonder why “conservatives” went all Nancy Pelosi ala “we’ll have to pass the bill to find out what’s in it”, apparently, legislative imbecility is bi-partisan: “Republicans have consistently had difficulty making the case for the bill on health policy merits. It’s not even clear that […]

todayMay 8, 2017


The Mike Church Show Episode 337 Podcast: Trump The Non-Interventionist & Other Fairy Tales For The Whole, ‘Murican Family!

Mandeville, LA – DeceptiCONNED: The Era Of Nation Bombing Has Begun – In launching his macho-man airstrike against Russian targets in Syria, President Trump has completed the comedic circle that began with his escalation of rhetoric against Syria’s Assad as if the leaders of foreign states must act as though they are the ‘Murican President’s political appointees. 12 hours after learning of the strike we are learning just how irrational the whole sad saga was […]

todayApril 7, 2017 4


The Mike Church Show Episode 322 Podcast: Trump Cowers after Judge in Hawaii Blocks Immigration Law

Mandeville, LA – Listen Up ‘Muricah, “Meet His Excellency, Emperor Derrick The I of Hawaii – “Burn me once shame on you, burn me twice shame on me” goes the old adage and now President Trump must decide if he is going to hang his head in shame or do what he should of done during round 1 of the issuance of his Executive Order barring travel from 7 Muslim countries. I […]

todayMarch 16, 2017 2


The Mike Church Show Episode 317 Podcast: Muricah, Mobile Home of The Brave And The Moral Minority

Mandeville, LA – Muricah, Mobile Home of The Brave And The Moral Minority – In the period that followed the evil of Roe V Wade, Evangelicals begin banding together to oppose abortion and the plan was hatched to flee the Dumbocrat Party to the GOP and through the GOP elect judges to overturn the evil. The backstop for this effort was the well-known Jerry Falwell and his “Moral Majority”. But was there […]

todayMarch 9, 2017 1


Colonel Batcheller Agrees Women Don’t Belong In Combat

Mandeville, LA - Exclusive Transcript - Colonel Gordon D. Batcheller, United States Marine Corps retired was interviewed by Crusade Magazine over this very issue. I found two of the answers he gave when he was asked about this dovetail with what I said. I am happy to have the discussion about the physicality, the physiology of the females versus the males. To me, the issue is far beyond whether or […]

todayJanuary 25, 2013 5
