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Pile Of Prep

Wisdom Wednesday Prep-Las Vegas Massacre, 16 Months On, Is Still A Super Natural Act Of Chastisement

Veritas et Sapientia - "The subtext of these charades is that 28-year-old socialist Alexandra Ocasio-Cortez (who won her Democratic primary with 15,897 votes and with that victory an assured congressional seat in a gerrymandered Democratic district) is the new Robespierre — warning that the earth as we know it will end in twelve years, ICE must be disbanded, all student debt abolished, wealth taxes levied, and Medicare provided for all. […]

todayJanuary 30, 2019 8

Christian OB-GYN


The Church Traded Her Teaching Authority For Jameson’s Whiskey & Coffee

Here, it is necessary to note two meanings of the term, scandal, in Church discipline. The first and properly theological meaning of scandal is to do or omit something which leads others into error or sin. The second meaning is to do or omit something which causes wonderment (admiratio) in others. Denying Holy Communion publicly to the occult sinner involves scandal in the second sense. Giving Holy Communion to the […]

todayJanuary 28, 2019 6

Christian OB-GYN

Daily Clip

Red Pill Diaries – Timothy Cardinal Dolan “It Doesn’t Matter If Gov Cuomocoaty’l Is Catholic!… Is There Jameson’s In This Latté?”

AUDIO/VIDEO: Fox News Cardinal Timothy Dolan speaks about abortion in NY. Why can’t it be important that BOTH entities are important? Why is it ghoulish? Because it is MURDER! To say it doesn’t matter that Cuomo is Catholic, YES IT DOES!!! Again, extra ecclasia nulla salus, if Cuomocoaty'l is outside the Church he is outside of salvation - does not the salvation of souls under his care matter!? Condemn his […]

todayJanuary 28, 2019 8


New York’s Tenochtitlan’s Cuomocóatl Needs A Bishop Crysostom

Mandeville, LA - In an era that boasts of legalizing the most despicable acts humans can commit against other humans the Catholic Church's prelates can not be bothered to stand in the crucible and invoking Our Lord's authority and privilege demand this evil be brought to an end. witness the staggering viciousness of the government and governor of New York Tenochtilan, disgraced "Catholic" Andrew Cuomocoatyl. On the feast day of […]

todayJanuary 27, 2019 9
