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Government Approved Children’s Meals And Bedtime Stories

That Is NOT Government Approved! Mandeville, LA – Exclusive Transcript – "So we’re trying to prevent little children from becoming fat bastards in the future.  How is it they’ve become fat?  They’ve become fat by doing what?  Eating what the previous administration’s government-approved diet was.  Remember, we’ve talked about this before.  How did we get this thing called the food chart and food pyramid and what have you?  This wasn’t something […]

todayApril 4, 2014 11

Church Doctrine

Thank You For Smoking, Eating Hubig’s Pies and Elmer’s Chees Wees

Thank You For Smoking, Eating Hubig’s Pies and Elmer’s Chee Wees ©2012 Mike Church In a letter to the Times Picayune Ochsner-New Orleans CEO Dr. Patrick Quinlan waxes Hyppocratic over the “healthcare costs” that accrue to Louisiana smokers. Quinlan claims that smoking runs up the Who Dat healthcare tab* by $1.47 BILLION every year. Wow, just imagine how many “Bridge May Ice In Cold Weather” signs that could pay for! […]

todayApril 13, 2012 4
