federal judiciary

23 Results / Page 3 of 3



What If Constitution Meant Agreed-Upon Things When Ratified ?

Any Diversion Today Indicates Unconstitutional Acts Mandeville, LA – Exclusive Transcript – "So I have these two stories here about Obamacare, a pair of rulings yesterday, one judge saying that the subsidy funding method is illegal, unconstitutional, and another saying, [mocking] “Oh, come on, it’s like ordering a Domino’s pizza.”  I’m not making this up."  Check out today’s transcript for the rest… Begin Mike Church Show Transcript Mike:  So I […]

todayJuly 28, 2014 4


Kevin Gutzman – CIA and Impeachment

Interview With Kevin Gutzman on the CIA and the Constitution Mandeville, LA – Exclusive Transcript – "Now to one of the principal things that we want to talk to Professor Gutzman about here today, “The CIA-Senate Fiasco and Madison’s Separation of Powers Doctrine.”  You wrote this about ten days ago or so and posted it at NomocracyInPolitics.com.  I got a chance to read it and shared a little bit of […]

todayMarch 27, 2014 4


Feds Make Political Prisoner Of Author Trudeau

An Eight Year Persecution of Trudeau Mandeville, LA – Exclusive Transcript – "A federal judge on Monday sentenced TV pitchman Kevin Trudeau to ten years in prison for bilking consumers via infomercials for his best-selling weight loss book.  That’s right, ladies and gentlemen, you heard that correctly.  Trudeau was accused of selling a book that, for some fat bastards, didn’t work, 67 of them to be exact.  He sold 850,000 copies […]

todayMarch 25, 2014 8


Jefferson Had Issues With His Generation Too

Every Generation Has It's Problems Mandeville, LA – Exclusive Transcript – "Remember, Russell Kirk, the great conservative author and the man many believe was correctly and aptly titled the father of modern-day conservatism, Kirk was fond of this phrase that he thought all conservatives should have in the back of their mind at all times.  It was okay, indeed it was advisable, to stand up on the shoulders of giants." […]

todayMarch 13, 2014 2


Interview With Jeff Taylor On His Book “Politics On A Human Scale: The American Tradition Of Decentralism”

Mandeville, LA – Exclusive Transcript – There’s a new book out called Politics on a Human Scale: The American Tradition of Decentralism. It’s published by Lexington Books. Dr. Jeff Taylor is the author. I read part of this essay to you last week and I’ve referred to it a couple other times last week. Dr. Taylor is on the Dude Maker Hotline, making his first visit here. Dr. Jeff Taylor, […]

todayNovember 19, 2013 1
