insert_link Latest Mike Church’s LIVE Commentary Blog From Trump’s Milwaukee Speech on CRUSADE! Mandeville LA - Below is my LIVE comments posted via Facebook's Mike Church Show Fan page, please tune in for my Founding Father's Red-Pill analysis of this speech and Trump's full frontal assault on the 'Murican status quo, inner circle/outer circle cabal! Click "Comments" to read the whole blog/recap. Listen to Mike Church Show monologues on the Trump phenomenon! todayAugust 16, 2016 8
insert_link Catholicism Mike Church Show-LIVE! Why Trump Will Still Win 48 States Mandeville, LA - Taking a week off from the grind of daily media and talk and news and controversy and Hillary and.... you get the picture, helps calm and ground the soul to that most important quest of all Men: Eternity. As I start gathering material for tomorrow's and the near future's shows I am surprised at the "inevitable Hillary" narrative that has gestated in these last peaceful 8 days. […] todayAugust 7, 2016 2
insert_link Catholicism No, Mrs. Dingle, You Can NOT Be Pro-Life AND A Hillary Voter Mandeville, LA - If you don't study Philosophia Perennis but want a textbook case of illogic and pathetic Christian Ethics, then read this: "I'm pro-life. And I'm voting for Hillary. Here's why." "Everything Planned Parenthood has believed in and fought for over the past 100 years is on the ballot.” If you're voting for Hillary you are, by your informed consent, granting license to the taking of life that has already occurred […] todayAugust 6, 2016 3
insert_link Veritas et Sapientia Veritas et Sapientia-No More “Lesser of 2 Evils” Cop-Outs-Voting For “Choice” Candidates Is Wrong Mandeville, LA - [We are about to become immersed in a tsunami of media instructing us as Americans in the great tradition of "The Founders" that "we must vote this November even if that means choosing the lesser of two evils!" This is the path to the destruction of the soul and the endorsement of the culture we all currently decry. Stand strong and defend The Faith not your friends […] todayJune 8, 2016 7
Pile Of Prep Prep: Hillary “[wo]Man Will Be Recreated (and taxed for it) In My Image” Mandeville, LA - Mike Church's daily Pile of Prep, Welcome to's Pile of Prep, all the materials used to prepare the Mike Church show, 2015 Edition. Campaign 2016 is in full swing and the Usual Suspects have reported for er... duty. Mrs. Clinton is conspicuous in that her campaign is based on the idea that the Leviathan government has only BEGUN to assist the American sheople of being re-created in her own […] todayApril 15, 2015 4
Catholicism Monday Pile of Prep Mandeville, LA - Mike Church's daily Pile of Prep, chock full of GOP's latest brain dead idea: A BIGGER Pentagon as Atlas Shrugs plus other [r]epublican stories used to perform the Mike Church Show on Sirius/XM Patriot channel 125. "The splendid maintenance of the President, and of the members of both houses, and the salaries and fees of the swarm of officers and dependants of the government, will cost this continent immense sums. […] todayMay 20, 2013 3
insert_link Transcripts Bombing Syria Over Chemical Weapons is Same as Syria Bombing Sherman’s Union Army During March to Sea Mandeville, LA - Exclusive Transcript - Imagine the big, bad Syrian military in 1863 and 1864 hearing of the atrocities being committed by the Union army, at the command of General Sherman and at the highest command by President Lincoln, sending their troops into Georgia to stamp out the Union army. You may say those people in the South were being trampled upon. There was total war. Civilians were being […] todayDecember 10, 2012 2
insert_link Daily Clip Why Obama and Company Insist on Tax Increases Mandeville, LA - Exclusive Audio and Transcript - This is the first salvo in election 2016. You know what else it might be? It might also be the first salvo in congressional election 2014. This is all about theatrics. This is all about appearances. That’s all this is. You can then go to the average unionized, Midwestern American sheeple out there, “I raised taxes on the rich. Look, the economy […] todayDecember 6, 2012 7
Pile Of Prep Pile of Prep: Gutzman Says Founding Fathers Would Roll In Their Graves Over Lincoln Mandeville, LA - Mike Church's daily Pile of Prep, chock full of Founding Fathers goodness and all the stories used to perform the Mike Church Show on Sirius/XM Patriot channel 125. "Even before his election as president, Lincoln had in fact always stood for power in the central government beyond what the Constitution granted." - Kevin Guztman Kevin Gutzman reveals "The Mythology of Abraham Lincoln, hero." Old "honest Abe" was not so honest […] todayNovember 5, 2012 7
insert_link Mike Church Presents The Red Pill Diaries Podcasts Listener Calls Crusade Channel “Rolex Quality” – The Mike Church Show todayFebruary 27, 2018 1757