insert_link Transcripts John Taylor Explains Our Corruptions; Mike Explains Why Living in the U.S. Is NOT Living Free Mandeville, LA - Exclusive Transcript - Taylor continues to insist that if you let just a little tyranny into the process so that you can control it, you are ultimately controlled by it. Just imagine if he could witness what we see today, and imagine what his thought would be. “You boys have to do what with what?” Don’t kid yourselves with the idea that you are free because you’re […] todayDecember 20, 2012 4
insert_link Transcripts John Taylor of Caroline – Debts Are Unnecessary to a Free People Mandeville, LA - Exclusive Transcript - What Taylor is saying is that you should only have a tariff because you have a couple duties that the general government has to discharge. You should only have the tariff so that you can raise money to do that. You should not use the tariff to enrich anyone. You should not use the tariff as a tool to try to guide commerce. Commerce […] todayDecember 14, 2012 15
insert_link Daily Clip ObamaCare is Being Nullified by Governors Refusing to Open Exchanges Mandeville, LA - Exclusive Audio and Transcript - If the Feds cannot implement a plan to make use of our medical services, if they cannot implement a plan to take over and micromanage and manage our healthcare services, medical services, the medical services industry for all of us, what makes anyone think they can take over and manage our consumption of drugs for 314 million people? What makes you think […] todayDecember 11, 2012 7
insert_link Transcripts Abel Upshur: States Are In Charge of Feds SCOTUS Hearing; Marriage Case is an Outcry Mandeville, LA - Exclusive Transcript - Brion McClanahan has an essay that is posted at The American Conservative Magazine today. In his essay “Is Secession Legal,” at one point in here, he gets to a great historical document that has not even been introduced on this show. It is Abel Upshur’s A Brief Enquiry into the True Nature and Character of Our Federal Government. Upshur wrote this in response to […] todayDecember 10, 2012 3
insert_link Transcripts Albert J Nock – republicanism and Scaling Down to End Tyranny Mandeville, LA - Exclusive Transcript - This piece by Albert J. Nock comes in handy, “What America Can Learn from Kutusov.” This was published in 1936, so we’re going to hop in the King Dude’s wayback machine and go back a little bit in time. I believe that Nock’s take on this and take on our general affliction is inspirational. It ties in nicely and neatly with [r]epublicanism, which is […] todayDecember 6, 2012 3
insert_link Transcripts It Didn’t Take 200 Years To Go This Far Off Course Mandeville, LA - Exclusive Transcript - Well, I don’t think it took 200 years to get this far screwed. There is something to be said for someone (hint, hint) writing and producing a movie that has as its feature that Patrick Henry and George Mason were successful in defeating the ratification of the Constitution in Virginia, which would have defeated ratification in New York, and probably would have defeated ratification […] todayOctober 5, 2012 5
insert_link Daily Clip My Liberty Should Not Be On Your Ballot Mandeville, LA - Exclusive Audio and Transcript - We are micromanaged and governmentalized in a corrupt fashion just like they are in European countries that we so love to decry, just as they are in Canada as we so love to decry. Are there differences? Yes. Are there bigger tyrannies in Europe than there are here? I’m sure there are. Are there bigger tyrannies against civil liberties than there are […] todaySeptember 19, 2012 9
insert_link Transcripts Debbie Schlussel Reviews “What Lincoln Killed” Mandeville, LA - Exclusive Transcript - Here's a quote from Debbie's review, read the rest in today's transcript: "It was interesting. To me, that’s the point of something like this, to make people think, and also to educate them. I always learn a lot when I listen to and/or watch your historical projects. You really are a scholar of these things. They don’t teach this stuff. Sure, I learned about […] todaySeptember 14, 2012 12
insert_link Transcripts No Need For Flat Taxes or Excise Taxes, John Taylor Preferred Duties and Imposts Mandeville, LA - Exclusive Transcript - The preferable way to raise revenues, and this makes sure that it is totally equally apportioned among all the people of the several states, is to tax only, to do duties and imposts, tariffs as they’re known. As long as they are uniform and as long as they are across the board -- and it’s not a protective tax either. It’s cost of doing […] todaySeptember 10, 2012 13
insert_link Mike Church Presents The Red Pill Diaries Podcasts Listener Calls Crusade Channel “Rolex Quality” – The Mike Church Show todayFebruary 27, 2018 1757