kentucky constitution

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If ‘Muricah Keeps Her “Democracy”, Pollacks Will Be Cracking “How Many Americans Does It Take To…”

Mandeville, LA - Mike repeats for the 34,529,803 time "we don't have a gun problem, we have a Father problem" and then uses a KY Governor Matt Bevin interview to back it up. Ryszard Legutko's Can Democracy Save Us essay proves that the Poles are headed back to being the country of Saint Stephen and St Stanislaus. Michael Hichborn of the LePanto Institute makes his regular Tuesday appearance and the […]

todayFebruary 27, 2018 4


The NRA And Incorporationistas

Mandeville, LA - Exclusive Transcript - For some reason, it has just been seared into the mind of the average American gun owner out there. It doesn’t matter what the facts are and it doesn’t matter what the Constitution as ratified and the Bill of Rights, as you call it, as ratified said. It doesn’t even matter what the first 130 years of life under that amendment, what that intent […]

todayJanuary 25, 2013 11


Do Gun Laws and Executive Orders Make Us All Magically Safer?

Mandeville, LA - Exclusive Transcript - If all we have to do is pass laws to stop this, it would seem to me we could pass laws and stop all the malady of the human condition. We can pass laws to make every woman happy, fully employed, paid more than her male counterparts. Can we? Pass a law. We can pass laws and stop all the bullying immediately. We can […]

todayJanuary 17, 2013 7
