lePanto institute

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It’s The Fasting, Stupid – The Lepanto Minute

Mandeville, LA - This week's LePanto Minute featuring Michael Hichborn, founder of the LePanto Institute. The Mike's cover the latest pontifical scandals, why Church militant CRUSADERS need old-school Lenten fasting and the outrageous canonization of Billy Graham by Catholic prelates.  

todayMarch 2, 2018 11


If ‘Muricah Keeps Her “Democracy”, Pollacks Will Be Cracking “How Many Americans Does It Take To…”

Mandeville, LA - Mike repeats for the 34,529,803 time "we don't have a gun problem, we have a Father problem" and then uses a KY Governor Matt Bevin interview to back it up. Ryszard Legutko's Can Democracy Save Us essay proves that the Poles are headed back to being the country of Saint Stephen and St Stanislaus. Michael Hichborn of the LePanto Institute makes his regular Tuesday appearance and the […]

todayFebruary 27, 2018 3

Mike Church

Where Are The Virile Roman Men When ‘Muricah Needs Them!?

Mandeville, LA - Mike renews his clarion call for any Real Men of our era to take up arms - the Rosary - and rally with our brothers to the cause of ending legal protections for mortal sins as Real Men MUST. Listen to Mike's Arthurian call in hr 1. Dr Kevin Wacasey of healthcareonomics.com talks non-insured health care costs and Michael Hichborn rounds out today's show that ends with […]

todayFebruary 21, 2018 8


If South Korea Can Host An Olympics They Can Play Stratego With North Koreans

Mandeville, LA - Its Fat Tuesday in New Orleans and the Mike Church Show has the last day before Lent covered (with TWO Catholic air raid warning sirens) with Traditional tips on fasting and mortification. Michael Hichborn of The LePanto Institute joins Mike for his weekly spot as well. To Listen To or Download This Entire Episode of The Mike Church Show, Click Here! Time  Red Pill Topics & Headlines […]

todayFebruary 13, 2018 6

Keystone Pipeline commentary

Church Doctrine

Moral Solutions Start With Us, With Michael Hichborn – The Mike Church Show CHURCH DOCTRINE

Mandeville, LA, The Mike Church Show - Season 2, Episode 528. Special Guest: Michael Hichborn from the Lepanto Institute • Praying the rosary for peace set back communist attempts 20 years • Can you imagine if we did something like that now? • You are turning to Mother Mary and she is the greatest intercessory! • Pray for the 4 mortal sins that are promoted and subsidized. • This is […]

todayFebruary 10, 2018 8


They Pray To “Our Lady of Plan B Pills” As Part Of The Heresy of ‘Muricanism

Mandeville, LA - For over a decade Mike has been talking about the bi-partisan Deep State that makes a mockery of our "democracy" and the concept that 'Muricans practice "self-government"-the Nunes memo is just the latest confirmation of this. The LePanto Institute's Michael Hichborn is provocative as segment 3's special guest. Listen To This Entire Episode of The Mike Church Show, Click Here! Time  Red Pill Topics & Headlines  6:12 […]

todayFebruary 7, 2018 4

Mike Church

Thanks JFK: Why “Catholic” Politicians Are “Pro-Choice”

Mandeville, LA - Yesterday, 14 "Catholic" U.S. Senators voted against the Pain Capable Infant Protection Act helping it to fail in by a 51-46 vote. Mike analyzes the catastrophic failure of 'Murica's prelates to reprimand these apostates and the consequences in tens of millions of lost souls. With special guests Dr Wacasey of Healthcareonomics.com and Michael Hichborn of The LePanto Institute. DOWNLOAD OR STREAM LIVE! THIS ENTIRE EPISODE OF THE […]

todayJanuary 30, 2018 8


Trains, Planes And Popemobiles & The Scandal of Catechism By Mile-High Club

Mandeville, LA - EPISODE 518 of The Mike Church Show, rundown and story links! Featuring the LePanto Institute's Michael Hichborn. DOWNLOAD THE PODCAST FOR THIS EPISODE HERE SEGMENT 1 6:13 Start of the Mike Church Show LIVE 6:16 Happy Birthday to the Church Twins Madison and Reagan 6:22 45th Anniversary of Roe vs. Wade 6:28 HEADLINE: US Coast Guard Adds Cruise Missiles To Ice-Breakers As Battle For The Arctic Begins  No place is safe […]

todayJanuary 23, 2018 10
