mike church

224 Results / Page 13 of 25



The Mike Church Show Episode 447 Podcast – Netflix’s “Big Mouth” Is A Kiddie Feast For Baguul

Baguul and Netflix's Big Mouth A Kiddie Porn Feast For Pederasts [originally published on 28 September, 2018] Baguul Has Come For The Kids & Has Netflix Broadcasting Pederasty – Netflix has a new original series called Big Mouth that I have been reading warnings of for a while. Now that the preview is out we can say the speculation over: this is soft-core porn for pederast voyeurs. Here's a shot […]

todaySeptember 28, 2017 19


The Mike Church Show Episode 446 Podcast: No Way Jose on Repealing Obamacare

Mandeville, LA – Told Ya So: ObamaCare Is Here Forever, The Repeal Campaign Was A Hoax – On April 23rd, 2010, the U.S. House passed the reconciled version of the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act – ObamaCare – on April 24th the campaign to “repeal” it began and for 6 years, the GOP has used the canard that they would repeal the beast as a basis for their election. For that […]

todaySeptember 27, 2017 7


The Mike Church Show Episode 445 Podcast: Transparent TV Show Exposes Fully Frontal Nude Male

Sapientia et Veritas – Contraceptive intercourse without a just title is morally wrong, but the world has changed and nowadays most people most of the time have a just title to mutilated sexual behaviors. Objective adultery without a just title is morally wrong, but the world has changed and nowadays the largest groups of adulterers most of the time have a just title to adultery. Killing innocent people without a just title is morally wrong, but the […]

todaySeptember 27, 2017 5


The Mike Church Show Episode 444 Podcast: Will You Go Francis Or Will You Go Carmelite

Mandeville, LA – ‘Tis On! Catholics Throw Down The Gauntlet To Pope Francis: Either Recant Your Heresies Or Face a PUBLIC Correction– Chris Ferrara is a frequent guest on the Mike Church Show and is one of 62 signers of a letter delivered privately to Pope Francis on August the 11th, now made public that demands he recant 7 heresies his Papacy is promoting. From the letter: “With profound grief, but moved by […]

todaySeptember 25, 2017 4


The Mike Church Show Episode 442 Podcast: “In The Navy” Babies are “Mini Satans”

Mandeville, LA – From Today’s Mike Church Show: An Answer For The Bewildered – I talked about the 100 year long “sexual revolution” in today’s 3rd segment. “Wilhelm Reich understood that religious faith is sustained and passed down through the natural family. And so he concluded that the natural family must be dethroned, disrupted, and ultimately redefined to cut off this contagion of faith. Fatherless homes aren’t church-going homes, which is why the officially […]

todaySeptember 22, 2017 4


The Mike Church Show Episode 441 podcast: Will You Go Pronoun Compliant or Will You Go Carmelite?

Mandeville, LA – Now GRAND-Dude Looks Like A Lady!? – California’s assembly is going to pass a law that provides fines and jail time for those convicted of incorrectly using PRONOUNS in old-folks homes which are now apparently overrun with transgender's and sodomites. Seriously folks, how long before the Gaystappo is actually created and granted police powers? From the bill: Among other things, the bill would make it unlawful, except as specified, for any long-term […]

todaySeptember 19, 2017 4

Feature Productions

Mike Church Presents-The Deliver Us From Evil Tapes S1 E2

S1 E2: "Go To St Joseph" Mandeville, LA - (Please note, this feature is a Founding Father Films production and is not part of the CRUSADE Channel's regular radio station lineup.) The Deliver Us From Evil Tapes-The Series featuring demonologist Ralph Sarchie continues our investigation into The Amityville Horror. This week, Ralph and host Mike Church unpack the night of the DeFeo murders and present a blockbuster, never-before presented revelation. […]

todaySeptember 19, 2017 10


The Mike Church Show Episode 440 Podcast: Diabolical Monsters coming for your kids

“mother” Is A Diabolical Homage To Those Who Mock The Mother of The Redeemer – I haven’t seen Jennifer Lawrence’s “mother” so keep that in mind as you read this review. I deign to spare my intellect and soul the horror of sitting through 120 minutes of an assault on giving life through bearing children, that ultimately is a slander directed at The Creator of this process and her who was […]

todaySeptember 18, 2017 4


The Mike Church Show Episode 439 Podcast: Another Act Of Muslim Orthodoxy

Mandeville, LA – Another Friday, Another Act Of Muslim Orthodoxy And Another “We Will Not Give In To Fear” Speech – A bomb partially detonated on the London Tube injuring 20 people including children. Note that the bomb PARTIALLY detonated, meaning the full carnage and horror a London Muslim planned was not realized. Gazing at the photos in the speech is like looking at the past from the vantage point of 200 years and […]

todaySeptember 15, 2017 7
