new tenochtitlan

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Christian OB-GYN

Daily Clip

Red Pill Diaries – Timothy Cardinal Dolan “It Doesn’t Matter If Gov Cuomocoaty’l Is Catholic!… Is There Jameson’s In This Latté?”

AUDIO/VIDEO: Fox News Cardinal Timothy Dolan speaks about abortion in NY. Why can’t it be important that BOTH entities are important? Why is it ghoulish? Because it is MURDER! To say it doesn’t matter that Cuomo is Catholic, YES IT DOES!!! Again, extra ecclasia nulla salus, if Cuomocoaty'l is outside the Church he is outside of salvation - does not the salvation of souls under his care matter!? Condemn his […]

todayJanuary 28, 2019 11

Pile Of Prep

Friday Prep-Congratulations ChickCOMS, You Can Murder Infants AND Adults!

Veritas et Sapientia - "To add further to the ignominy of this terrible bill the Freedom Tower was lit up pink (to symbolize women’s “rights”) in celebration of this Abortion Bill. Recall that more than a thousand people died at the World Trade Center site now occupied by the Freedom Tower. They were murdered by terrorists on 9-11. How callous and bold to use this very site to celebrate the […]

todayJanuary 25, 2019 3
