Obedience to unenforceable

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Claes Ryn Warns Of The New Jacobins And True Democratic Mob Rule

Mandeville, LA – Exclusive Transcript – Constitutionalists are raised, structured, socialized, you could say institutionalized to be constitutionalists. This does not happen much any longer, which is why our United States Constitution can be as seemingly useless and not referred to or deferred to as you would like to see it or as it once was. Check out today’s transcript for the rest…

todayMay 20, 2013 9


Tim Tebow And The Hazards Of Celebrity Endorsement

Mandeville, LA – Exclusive Transcript – With freedom of speech comes responsibility of speech as well, obedience to the unenforceable. It’s far better to censor yourself and remove any controversy that can arise than it is to have someone remove it for you via economic pressure. Check out today’s transcript for the rest…

todayFebruary 27, 2013 2


Conservative Is Just A Brand…And It’s Definitely Not Libertarian

Mandeville, LA – Exclusive Transcript – Conservatism has very little to do with politics. As a matter of fact, the natural conservative inclination is to not get involved in politics because of its corrupting influences. The conservative instinct is to always try and prevent most things from becoming part of the political process. That ought to be the natural position of the conservative, that the things we want to preserve […]

todayFebruary 22, 2013 2


Obedience To The Unenforceable – Charles Murray on State of White America

This allegory that you just laid out is very similar to one that was laid out by Angelo Codavilla in that essay “The Ruling Elites.” That’s pretty much what he wrote. You’re confirming. Codavilla’s work wasn’t a scholarly one like yours, it was more opinion-based, but Codavilla’s conclusion [about America] is the same as yours

todayFebruary 20, 2013 8
