open carry

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Starbucks’ Gun Policy Isn’t About Gun Control, It’s About Property Rights

Mandeville, LA – Exclusive Transcript – You’re supposing the right of the patron or the prospective patron to enter or do business into said business is superior to the right of the property owner and the person who had the capital, bought the property, bought the coffee beans, bought the gizmo that makes the espresso, who took his money out of his pocket and is hiring the labor and training […]

todaySeptember 20, 2013 6

Founders Television

The NSA Data Center Demands A Vigilant Citizenry… Forget Concealed Carry, Time For Open Jihad Carry!

Mandeville, LA - Exclusive Video and Audio - Well now we know what the NSA Data Center is there for... recording our "private" phone calls under the guise of protecting us from these so-called terrorists. You notice that these "terrorists" never bomb any rednecks, anywhere there's a bunch of guys walking around with shotguns and revolvers on their hips. No, they only strike places that have the strictest gun laws, […]

todayJune 6, 2013 11
