patrick henry

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Daily Clip

Will 2013 Be the End of Federalism?

Mandeville, LA - Exclusive Audio and Transcript - These are scary times, ladies and gentlemen. We can sit here and discuss these things all we want. We may be overreaching. We may be being a bit hyperbolic. I think the fact that there’s actually a discussion going on that’s going to inexorably affect the lives and fortunes of over 300 million people, and less than 200 people are involved in […]

todayJanuary 11, 2013 7

The Founders

What Patrick Henry Warned Us About Before the Constitution Was Ratified

Mandeville, LA - Exclusive Transcript - All this fiscal cliff garbage, all this depressing talk about tax increases and all this, this is all preordained. It matters not the size and scope of our debts and deficits and what we owe and what our children are going to have to owe and the tax slavery you’ll live under to repay it. It is not going to change one iota, not […]

todayJanuary 3, 2013 4

John Taylor-friend to James Madison


John Taylor Explains Our Corruptions; Mike Explains Why Living in the U.S. Is NOT Living Free

Mandeville, LA - Exclusive Transcript - Taylor continues to insist that if you let just a little tyranny into the process so that you can control it, you are ultimately controlled by it. Just imagine if he could witness what we see today, and imagine what his thought would be. “You boys have to do what with what?” Don’t kid yourselves with the idea that you are free because you’re […]

todayDecember 20, 2012 4


Albert J Nock – republicanism and Scaling Down to End Tyranny

Mandeville, LA - Exclusive Transcript - This piece by Albert J. Nock comes in handy, “What America Can Learn from Kutusov.”  This was published in 1936, so we’re going to hop in the King Dude’s wayback machine and go back a little bit in time.  I believe that Nock’s take on this and take on our general affliction is inspirational.  It ties in nicely and neatly with [r]epublicanism, which is […]

todayDecember 6, 2012 3

Daily Clip

Virginia Seceded in May 1776

Mandeville, LA - Exclusive Audio and Transcript - The Virginians met in convention in late April all the way through May 1776. On the 15th of May, 1776, the State of Virginia unanimously declared, in convention assembled, their right to self-government. They officially severed the political bands which had connected them to Great Britain. They settled this by statute. In other words, they seceded. Not only did they secede, they […]

todayNovember 19, 2012 10


It Didn’t Take 200 Years To Go This Far Off Course

Mandeville, LA - Exclusive Transcript - Well, I don’t think it took 200 years to get this far screwed. There is something to be said for someone (hint, hint) writing and producing a movie that has as its feature that Patrick Henry and George Mason were successful in defeating the ratification of the Constitution in Virginia, which would have defeated ratification in New York, and probably would have defeated ratification […]

todayOctober 5, 2012 5

Book Mike To Speak

LPAC 2012 Speech “The Founders Blurry Vision”

Chantilly VA - The following text is the rough outline Mike Church used to deliver prepared remarks to the LPAC 2012 conference, 14 September, 2012 at the Westfields Marriott Center, Chantilly, VA. Founders DID NOT envision: Medicare, Medicaid, The Ag Department, the Helium Dept, The CBO, The OMB, SSA, SSB and Bureau of BS almost anything that has 3 or 4 Alphabet soup characters in it. Founders DID NOT envision […]

todaySeptember 15, 2012 20


How The Industry Works and Why [r]epublicanism Is Our Only Hope

Mandeville, LA - Exclusive Transcript - Politics today is an industry, it is a business, it is The Industry. Why? Because it is an industry, my friends, that has a $3.8 trillion revenue stream, that’s right, $3.8 trillion, our Corporation of America. Hardly anyone says these United States anymore. I’m reading an article right now at The Imaginative Conservative that’s making way too much sense. I wonder where is this […]

todaySeptember 11, 2012 9
