
93 Results / Page 8 of 11



The Mike Church Show Episode 433 Podcast: They Put the “Sin” in Sinister

Mandeville, LA – SINISTER In Real Life – It is one thing to be thought to be diabolical, it is quite another thing to go to a Planned Parenthood “rally”, open your mouth, and remove all doubt. Such is the Twainsian’ twist, Goonies actress Martha Plimpton has added to Moloch’s lust for infant flesh and limbo’d souls. Watch (if you can stomach it), Plimpton, attending a “shout your abortion rally”, brag that Seattle is […]

todaySeptember 7, 2017 2


The Mike Church Show Episode 429 Podcast: Evangelical Doctrine Catholics Are Afraid To Publish & Defend. Whoa

Mandeville, LA – Evangelicals Publish Statement Of Catholic Doctrine Catholics Are Afraid To Publish & Defend – A group of well-known Evangelical Protestant pastors and group leaders (think Focus on the Family) have issued what they call The Nashville Statement, named for the location of their convention. The statement reads like catholic catechism for its attempt to bring clarity to issues of sexual orientation, the natural creation of sex, the concept of sin and […]

todayAugust 30, 2017 5


The Mike Church Show Episode 428 Podcast: To Save ‘Muricah, Bring back “Bourgeois Culture”

Mandeville, LA – Professor’s Wax and Alexander’s analysis is spot on, they even use the term “solidarity” correctly, but what is missing is the call to action they do not make: The Church is the SOURCE of the bourgeois culture they say needs a return and only a revival of the parish and parish life can restore that. – Mike Church, Ed.] “This cultural script began to break down in the late […]

todayAugust 29, 2017 8


The Mike Church Show Episode 425 podcast: Lesbians Lead the way in pregnancy

Mandeville, LA – Sodomites Aren’t Born They Are Made And They’re Making More – When I revealed the statistic that teenage pregnancies are occurring in higher numbers among girls who claim they are lesbians than in their heterosexual peers, friends just stared at me, unable to disavow the obvious contradiction: lesbians don’t have relations with boys/men! Ahhhh, but they do and not only do they sinfully fornicate they do it with such […]

todayAugust 25, 2017 3


The Mike Church Show Episode 423 Podcast: Forever in Afghanistan

Mandeville, LA – War War War! We LIKE War! Trump Sends 4,000 More Troops To Afghanistan – This is just sad and disappointing: President trump announced he would direct some 4,000 more troops be sent to Afghanistan to continue our endless nation building efforts. Regurgitating the same DeceptiCON propaganda we’ve heard since 2002, the President has now all but given in to the Deep State and the military industrial complex that acts as “muscle”. […]

todayAugust 22, 2017 3


The Mike Church Show Episode 419: The Aztecs Had Nothing On Iceland’s Baby-Killers

Mandeville, LA – What kind of society “lives” to choose who else gets to live!? – CBS News wants to know if the rest of the “civilized world” should follow Tenochtitlan imitators in Iceland (live baby sacrifices) and murder ALL the PLANET’S soon to be born babies “diagnosed” with Down’s. Seriously folks, if Hitler did this we’d have 300 big-budget films featuring it’s unbelievable evil. This story isn’t trending anywhere but an 18-ton piece of “vandalized” […]

todayAugust 16, 2017 2


The Mike Church Show Episode 416 Podcast: The Sistas & The Brothas California Dreamin’

Mandeville, LA – California Dreamin’ Nightmarin’-The Golden State Has Turned Red – There was a time when many ‘Muricans dreamed of moving to California and enjoying the good life: moderate year-round climate, plentiful natural resources, sunny beaches, beauty everywhere you turn and boundless opportunity. That was then and this is now: California is the poster child of what not to allow a “republic” to become. The state that was settled by the […]

todayAugust 11, 2017 3


The Mike Church Show Episode 411 Podcast: Is Trump Making Saint Benedict Great Again?

THE MIKE CHURCH SHOW is coming to Apple CarPlay! Apple’s CarPlay technology pipes the audio from certain, certified apps directly into the in-dash radios now available in over 200 2017 car models with more available in 2018. The Veritas Talk Radio Network app has just been approved for car-play, meaning you will now be able to enjoy the Mike Church Show using your in-dash radio, seamlessly! BUT, there’s just one-catch: our premium, high […]

todayAugust 4, 2017 3
