ts eliot

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Daily Clip

Brad Birzer: TS Eliot Saw the Decline Coming Seventy Years Ago

Mandeville, LA - Exclusive Audio and Transcript - I want to read something to you. My good friend Dr. Brad Birzer, professor in history at the Hillsdale College and a gentleman and a scholar in his own right, one of the good guys out there in [r]epublicanism and in conservatism, posts at one of our favorite online blogs The Imaginative Conservative, under the title “A New Dark Age.” He’s writing […]

todayJune 17, 2015 71

Founders Television

Brad Birzer and Winston Elliott Discuss “A New Dark Age”

[private FP-Yearly|FP-Monthly] [/private] [nonmember] This is a preview of the full post show show available to members only. If you'd like access to the full show please join the Founders Pass today. [/nonmember] Mandeville, LA - Exclusive Audio and Video - On today's Post Show Show podcast Brad Birzer and Winston Elliott III discuss "A New Dark Age" (link), an article that Brad wrote for The Imaginative Conservative. In the article […]

todayMay 23, 2012 11
