
4 Results / Page 1 of 1



How The U.S. Uses Weaponized, Network TV To Seduce Our Kids

Mandeville, LA – Exclusive Transcript – "Citing the hundreds of thousands of satellite television dishes in Iran, Benjamin Netanyahu told the House Government Reform Committee that the United States could incite a revolution against the conservative Iranian clergy through the use of such Fox Broadcasting staples as “Melrose Place” and “Beverly Hill 90210” -- both of which feature beautiful young people in varying states of undress, living, glamorous, materialistic lives and […]

todaySeptember 10, 2014 7


Television Is Today’s Literature, And It Should Be Discussed

Mandeville, LA – Exclusive Transcript – You’re going to have to help me out, Mr. Gruss. I am three episodes away from the end of Season 1 of Homeland. Don’t blow it for me. The episode I just watched -- I don’t recall that this was controversial at the time. Watching it last night, how could it not have been controversial? Check out today’s transcript for the rest…

todayOctober 1, 2013 28

Daily Clip

TV Networks Are In It For Profits, Not Educating Your Children

Mandeville, LA – Exclusive Transcript – I am not of the opinion that television networks exist for any purpose other than taking the capital that was invested therein and returning it with a profit or dividend to those that invested. That is my understanding of why there are television networks. There may be television networks that purport to help you raise your children by providing wholesome family education and giving […]

todayFebruary 20, 2013 8

Daily Clip

American Sheople Spend Money They Don’t Have on Black Friday Then Whine When Congress Does It

Mandeville, LA - Exclusive Audio - We hope you enjoyed your day after Thanksgiving... spending quality time with your family, eating leftovers, enjoying some football. Oh, were you one of those standing in line at Best Buy the night before Black Friday to spend money you don't have on one of those 46" TV's you don't need? Well, don't come whining to us when you get your credit card statement […]

todayNovember 26, 2012 7
