insert_link Church Doctrine The Cliven Bundy Saga: How Congress Snatched The Power To Claim Lands todayJune 8, 2022 113
insert_link Church Doctrine Memorial Day Classic Mike Church Show: A Lot More Than Hot Dogs and The D-Day Museum todayMay 28, 2021 21
Dallon on December 5, 2012 I listen often. I know you push God often. That is why I listen often. As for abortion, why not have an IRS agent standing beside the drug store counter. If your ept is positive he anounces a life and taxes begin immediatly upon conception with a certicate pregnancy. I, unlike the Dude, support a women’s right to decide. It would be my wish that she would make her descision before BUT. Although I feel abortion is abhorant, that women must live with her murdering self and freedom allows her to make her choice. Log in to Reply
James on November 6, 2012 I’m so sick of tuning to the patriot channel and listening to you whine like Chris Matthews alter ego. Thanks for helping Obama by turning Gary Johnson votes. Your statement that it is a human determination of when life begins rather than Gods shows your true stance. It’s a shame to see supposed conservatives drawing their own lines in reference to what human life is valid while simultaneously declaring God irrelevant. Jesus saves,, I truly hope you find time to seek Gods word over the words of dead men, I promise you that every author in your library would recommend the bible, where God declares he knew Jeremiah “from the womb” Log in to Reply
TheKingDude on November 6, 2012 Try the channel selection knob, it is right next to the “I reject critical thinking” button. As to your vitriol hurled my way over Gary Johnson, perhaps you missed the 3 monologues where I announced that I will NOT be voting for Gov. Johnson SPECIFICALLY and solely because of his stance on abortion. This is yet another case of a”listener” (I doubt you actually do listen) claiming to have heard something that makes them feel good about their “messages” sent my way, based on hearsay and implication. Log in to Reply
insert_link Mike Church Presents The Red Pill Diaries Podcasts Listener Calls Crusade Channel “Rolex Quality” – The Mike Church Show todayFebruary 27, 2018 1757