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Ted Cruz Wasn’t A “Conservative” In 2016 & He Is Proving That Today – The Mike church Show

todayJune 18, 2019 8

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    Ted Cruz Wasn’t A “Conservative” In 2016 & He Is Proving That Today – The Mike church Show TheKingDude

Mandeville, La

Time  Red Pill Topics & Headlines
11:02 am cst Welcome to the Mike Church Show on www.crusadechannel.com Call the show            844-5CRUSADE

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HEADLINE: Hundreds turn out for Marigny block party to see Stormy Daniels and support abortion rights by Kevin Allman

  • They dubbed this event as “swamp trash block party”.
  • These pro-abort people are now starting to look more and more like demons.
  • Who are these people?
  • I’ve been outside of abortion clinics and the only people that are nasty are the pro-abort people. The people praying there are nothing but pleasant and peaceful.
  • Liz Brusseau, who brought a copy of the Mueller Report to be signed by Daniels (who obliged), was blunt: “I feel like the governor just signed my death warrant.”
33m HEADLINE:  Dads’ My Type ‘Men with dad bods are more attractive to women’ than guys with rock-hard abs by William Pugh

  • They usually hit the gym 19 times a day.
  • Who can actually keep up with something like that?
  • Modern Americans have no idea of how spoiled rotten almost all of us have become.





HEADLINE: Ted Cruz asks Ocasio-Cortez to join him in making birth control available over-the-counter by Calvin Freiburger

  • They want to be able to go to the store and grab a pack of birth control pills.
  • Now you have to be responsible. You have to make an appointment, go to the gynecologist, and take your ‘daily’ pills.
  • Americans don’t have time to be all responsible and stuff.
  • AUDIO: Alex Jones – Turn the Frogs Gay
  • This isn’t just happening to Frogs it is also happening to the fish. True story.

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12:03 pm cst

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Make New Orleans Catholic Again –

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  • Next weekend at 3pm cst in the parking lot of St. Patrick’s Cathedral.
  • LIFE happens and starts locally! LIFE is an issue for every human.
1h12m HEADLINE: Clarence Thomas calls for abandoning ‘demonstrably erroneous’ precedent, touching off Roe v. Wade speculation by Gregg Re
















Special Guest Michael Hichborn founder of the Lepanto Institute –

Follow Mr. Hichborn here: @MichaelHichborn  @LepantoInst

  • Current head of Human Life International –
  • Cardinal Dolan Tweeted out: “With the clear and cogent clarification of the successor of St. Peter, there now exists no loophole to morally justify capital punishment.”
  • An execution is an attack on the ‘dignity’ of the human person. – Pope Francis
  • There is nothing to discuss here. You cannot pick and choose. You don’t get a vote or a choice in this matter.
  • John 19: 10-11 – 10 Pilate therefore said to him, “You will not speak to me? Do you not know that I have power to release you, and power to crucify you?” 11 Jesus answered him, “You would have no power over me unless it had been given you from above; therefore he who delivered me to you has the greater sin.

HEADLINE: Archbishop Viganò Confirms Allegations About Monsignor Rossi by George Neumayr

  • “Monsignor Rossi is, without a doubt, a member of the ‘gay mafia.’ You can read about him online on The American Spectator website.” – Archbishop Viganò
  • He had everything to lose and NOTHING to gain by going public with this.
  • He has disappeared b/c he has had the means on his OWN families money.
  • Pope Francis has never once said – “That’s not true” when discussing Viganòs claims.

HEADLINE: Pope Francis Promotes Goals Created by Communists by Lepanto Institute Michael Hichborn

  • St. Francis of Assisi “dealt or treated” poverty but you cannot eliminate it.
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1:18 pm cst Welcome to the final segment of The Mike Church Show Call 844-5CRUSADE Join our FREE LIVE chatroom at www.mikechurch.com













Follow Matt here: @MattGaspers @cathfamilynews

Catholic Family News –

HEADLINE: New “Declaration of Truths” Identifies “Common Errors”, Fails to Oppose Their Roots by Matt Gaspers

  • Matt reads from his article –
  • QUESTION: Why should you care about this?
  • ANSWER: As goes Catholicism, so goes the world.
  • It does the world NO GOOD if the Church doesn’t teach these things.
  • The declaration is intended to contradict and/or correct.
  • They don’t cite the source of it though.
  • QUESTION: What is the PRIMARY duty?
  • A procession not a protest this weekend in NOLA.
  • We have an obligation in charity to tell others to convert.
  • If you can’t preach the Gospel b/c you are a sinner, then the Gospel would never be preached b/c we are all sinners.
  • Be mindful of the poor.
  • They are not making the judgment, they are simply submitting the accusation.
  • This is why the Bishops HAVE to take action and do something about this.

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Meta-tags for show

Matt Gaspers, Declaration of Truths, common errors, Pope Francis, Cardinal Dolan, Cardinal Burke, Catholic Family News, Lepanto Institute, Michael Hichborn, Kevin Allman, William Pugh, dad bods, Stormy Daniels, Boozy Bake Sale, NOLA, prolife, Bake to Kill, Calvin Freiburger, Ted Cruz, AOC, birth control, Alex Jones, Gregg Re, George Neumayr, Fr. Nix

Written by: TheKingDude

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