
The Benham Brother’s Commendable Stand Against Mammon Is Tainted By Denial Of Universal Authority

todayMay 15, 2016 15


Mandeville, LA – Six people in my Facebook friends list, wife included, will get this, written in Charity and Humility: The Benham’s are to be commended for their stance and for correctly identifying Mammon as the culprit and anarchy its lethal objective. HOWEVER, the unity and legal authority needed, is equally in a state of anarchy as a result of the rejection of The Legal and Teaching Authority (caps intended), to which they are a party.

The Benham Brothers CORRECTLY identify anarchy as the issue, but what unifying force can be brought to bear to restore Order? There are currently 38k “denominations” in the U.S. alone, yet one Lord, Jesus Christ. The idea that One God sent his One Son to Teach One Doctrine to instruct Man to practice One Catechism defies this plurality that by definition all but guarantees anarchy. Hillaire Belloc, the English historian and legislator correctly identified the anarchy problem with Modernity and proposed One remedy:

“To begin with, the Catholic case has “got over the footlights.” It has “pierced.” Intellectual Europe today is again aware of the one consistent philosophy upon this earth which explains our little passage through the daylight; which gives a purpose to things and which presents not a mere hodgepodge of stories and unfounded assertions, but a whole chain and body of cause and effect in the moral world. It is further becoming apparent that there is, as yet, no rival in this respect to the Catholic Church. There is now no full alternative system left.”

My Brothers, do this and expect to become ostracized and shunned which will inform you, you are above the target and dropping laser guided missiles. Father John Hardon remarked 2 decades ago of this:

Here the firm believer in the Church’s teaching authority: the devoted servant of the papacy; the convinced pastor who insists on sound doctrine to his flock; the dedicated religious who want to remain faithful to their vows of authentic poverty, honest chastity, and sincere obedience; the firm parents who are concerned about the religious and moral training of their children and are willing to sacrifice generously to build and care for a Christian family – natural or adopted – such persons will not be spared also active criticism and open opposition. But they must especially be ready to live in an atmosphere of coldness to their deepest beliefs.

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Host of the Mike Church Show on The Veritas Radio Network's CRUSADE Channel & Founder of the Veritas Radio Network. Formerly, of Sirius/XM's Patriot channel 125. The show began in March of 2003 exclusively on Sirius and remains "the longest running radio talk show in satellite radio history".

Written by: TheKingDude

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