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jwopic on November 18, 2012 When Ben Franklin said we have a Republic if we can keep it I can only imagine what he would be thinking now. 232 years and we have let this country just go by the wayside. We have let 535 so-called political elitists gather their constituent sheeple into one big arena and cull them as they may. I have read many books and been to many websites to read what some call words of wisdom. Hell some cannot even get away from some reality show on the boob tube long enough to smell what is going on outside their own homes. Even some of those shows will prove what I have said. We will not slide down that fiscal cliff because we are already there watching the cliff come down on top of us. I listen intently to glean what I hope is wisdom but, when those who call themselves all knowing and will not even just find the truth out about what our country has gone through because they babble on and on about what they have No clue about I say shame on them. I have listened and read of some of those who say Abe Lincoln was the best ever not caring to read of his letters to Horace Greely a New York editor. Some of those so-called all knowing oracles just spew rhetoric that would not amount to a hill of beans. But they think it is true and passes for good entertainment. When it comes to secession those who think they are in charge just try to pass this on to We the People as a done deal not caring one damn bit to really study the facts. We have just had an election that consisted of 2 parties and only 2 parties. I ask why, where is the debate. Not just some silly game show on that thing we call t.v. Those were not debates they were time slotted elitist look at me, look at me wastes of mine and your times. When I bring up Ron Paul they call me a cultist even though some of them used to believe in his words of wisdom. All I hear is that Mr. Paul is not a great debater by whose authority is this given? I wonder did they think Patrick Henry was a cultist when he debated against the ratification of the Constitution? Do those who call themselves all knowing think Alexis D’Toqueville was just a Frenchman that was off his rocker? I see some agree to this and some agree to that but, these all knowing history buffs will not take the time to study the facts. A 2 party system is what our problem is and until those who think they know what they are talking about really come to realize this then those who follow along as sheeple will still be culled until there are no more. Log in to Reply
IggyCat on November 16, 2012 At a personal level, I’m not in agreement with that quote. The idea doesn’t conform to the Christian mindset. On a national level tho – yes – True. Log in to Reply
IggyCat on November 16, 2012 “Until the pain of remaining the same becomes greater than the pain of change, we will all remain the same.” The transcript is under the articel, “Getting Men Back as Household Leaders is the MOST Important Thing”. Log in to Reply
Nick M. on November 15, 2012 Was on the road and was able to write a quote from a caller from Arkansas on the 11/15 show made concerning something about the existing pain needs to be greater then the pain of change etc…….Mike then went on to quote a Latin one (Don’t need that one 🙂 Did anybody get the full quote from the guy in AK and can you please pass it on? Tks ahead of time. Nick M. Log in to Reply
Christopher Francis on November 16, 2012 I do not remember exactly the way the caller stated it, but the official quote is from Ed Foreman – “We change when the pain to change is less than the pain to remain as we are.” Log in to Reply
mary theiss on November 17, 2012 I’m looking for the same, listening to Mike and driving couldn’t write down, thanks Log in to Reply
insert_link Mike Church Presents The Red Pill Diaries Podcasts Listener Calls Crusade Channel “Rolex Quality” – The Mike Church Show todayFebruary 27, 2018 1757