
The Constitution Was Not Made For Big Business Treaties

todayOctober 26, 2015 9


republican_Matrix_tshirtMandeville, LA – Exclusive Transcript“I haven’t had occasion to talk very much about the TPP because I don’t know very much about the inner workings and the details of it.  What I have heard, and what little I have read about it, it smells.  From a distance, it stinks.  It stinks precisely because of the suspects that are involved in making this particular link of sausage.”  Check out today’s transcript for the rest….

Begin Mike Church Show Transcript

Mike:  “How TPP cements Obama’s corporatist legacy,” by James Poulos.  I haven’t had occasion to talk very much about the TPP because I don’t know very much about the inner workings and the details of it.  What I have heard, and what little I have read about it, it smells.  From a distance, it stinks.  It stinks precisely because of the suspects that are involved in making this particular link of sausage.  This piece here just points that out.  Trade negotiations today or free-trade agreements aren’t free-trade agreements.  There’s no free trade in this, just like there was very little free trade in NAFTA.  These are deals that are made . . .

Think about this.  What is truth?  Truth is conformity of mind to reality.  We’re often told and often reminded that the treaty-making power that was conferred upon the United States Senate was to be safeguarded because it requires a supermajority vote to be passed.  It was thought at the time that principally — you have to remember that the Constitution was drafted before the dawn of the “Me, me, me.  Work, work, work.  Wealth, wealth, wealth” era of modernism we are currently demonically and regrettably possessed of Those that drafted the treaty-making power thought that they principally drafting something that would be a tool that could be used to deal with the affairs of State between sovereign entities.  That was the principal reason to include the treaty-making power in the Constitution.  How do we know this?  How can we prove this?

If we were to listen to George Mason, one of the wisest men that ever lived, according to Jefferson, at the time of the Constitution’s drafting, Mason said this

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in his speech before the Congress when he announced to the fellow 37 delegates that were there that he was not going to sign the Constitution on the 17th of September 1787.  One of the reasons he gave was: I’m not signing this document because the treaty-making power is corrupt.  It’s going to become corrupted.  It’s going to lead to corruption.  It’s going to make it — we’ll either have a corrupt, I believe he said a corrupt aristocracy or an oppressive oligarchy.  He said this because he opposed including such a power into the central government because the states, and before they were states the colonies, had been negotiating their own trade agreements.  They would negotiate a trade agreement on what was best for their location, for their locality, their colony.  This only makes sense.  You didn’t have mass transportation, didn’t have mass communication, so it makes sense that you would want to keep that power local.

Little Jimmy Madison and the boys said the treaty-making power was not a power that, a financial power as we would understand it today, an economic power, that’s not why it was granted.  It was to handle the affairs of the State.  Say, for example, if you had a war and you had gone to war and have a peace agreement, in the peace agreement you were going to stipulate certain terms that the United States and the country that was involved in the war would agree to be bound by, then you would make a treaty.  You’d bring the treaty TPP mapto the Senate and the Senate would either ratify it or reject it.

Think of the story that Professor Gutzman told on this show about one of the first treaties that was negotiated.  It was negotiated by George Washington and the Washington administration.  It was negotiated to do what?  It was negotiated between an Indian tribe.  I can’t recall which one.  Basically it was a peace deal.  It didn’t have anything to do with trading beads or flutes or wigwams or tobacco or anything.  It had to do with maintaining the peace and border integrity.  You guys get this part.  We’re not going to go there and you guys won’t come here.  That’s what this particular treaty was about.

Remember, Washington, according to Gutzman’s story, famously walked from the president’s lodgings — remember, when Washington was president, he was in New York.  He was not in Mordor.  Congress was meeting at Federal Hall at the time, which is still there.  Washington told the Secretary of War, Henry Knox: Why don’t you walk down the street with me to the Senate.  Let’s go introduce this treaty to these senator dudes and get them to go ahead and vote on ratifying it and we’ll be done with it.  They walked down there.  Of course, it was a disaster because it was demanded by certain senators that the treaty be read aloud.  One guy alleged he couldn’t hear if, so it had to be read aloud again.  After Washington had sat through this, believing the affair to be done, then one of the other senators said: Wait, can you read part eleven again?  I don’t think I understand that.  I’m not sure if I agree with it.  After a few more instances of this, Washington angrily grabbed the treaty, told Knox: Let’s go.  We shall never conduct another moment of official business in this damned house.

The point is, economics and finances don’t seem to lend themselves to treaties that are negotiated by Congress.  Congress does have an authority in this, and that is under the tariff, duty, and impost power.  They do have a say-so in it.  That’s in the regulation of commerce clause.  That’s a totally different power here.  This TPP thing just stinks.  I’ll just share with you James Poulos’ take on this.


The disagreements over the TPP’s provisions are nuanced and complex. But the theme is not. Indeed, the TPP could well be President Obama’s most enduring legacy, because it gives his corporatism its biggest stage yet.


[end reading]

Mike:  Corporatism is that corrupt, oppressive oligarchy that Mason warned about.  Boy, are we possessed of it today.  We’ve got corporatists that make tens of billions of dollars, if not hundreds of billions, but we’ll stick with tens of billions of dollars every year off the use of incendiary devices detonated by other countries or us on civilian populations.  Guess what?  The whole shebang is backed up by your tax dollars and mine.  In other words, it’s a very lethal, disgusting, despicable jobs program.  Of course, the Dumbocrats go out there and try to do a jobs program to build solar panels and it’s the end of the world.  Alleged conservatives do it to bring about the end of civilian populations, while claiming they’re pro-life, and it’s not the end of the world.  It’s the beginning of the stability of the region.  Isn’t it funny how the region doesn’t ever seem to stabilize?  Back to the story:


FOLKS, a message from Mike – The Project 76 features, Church Doctrine videos and everything else on this site are supported by YOU. We have over 70, of my personally designed, written, produced and directed products for sale in the Founders Tradin’ Post, 24/7,  here. You can also support our efforts with a Founders Pass membership granting total access to years of My work for just .17 cents per day. Thanks for 17 years of mike! – Mike

It captures the central idea of his presidency — that when big government and big business make policy, the result is good for average Americans, even if it reduces their political freedom, or even their political participation. ObamaCare laid that marker down domestically, triggering a lightning round of health industry consolidation that turned the “big five” insurers — and their $346 billion yearly revenues — into a “big three.” The math is simple: When everyone has to buy the products dominant corporations sell, dominant corporations win. From a liberals’ standpoint, TPP takes the idea global — allowing powerful international corporations to further disadvantage American workers through a complex set of legal, financial, and economic privileges.

[end reading]

End Mike Church Show Transcript

Written by: AbbyMcGinnis

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