
The Continued Lack of Ethics in Politics

todayJuly 22, 2015 8


The One Thing Money Cannot Buy Eludes Mr. Trump

republican_Matrix_tshirtMandeville, LA – Exclusive Transcript“We talked about ethics in the first hour.  Where are the ethics?  I try to explain to the audience, and I guess again I failed miserably, but I tried to explain to anyone who watched The Open Championship yesterday saw 21-year-old kids adhering to four-century-old rules, not only of athletic play but of virtuous, gentleman-like behavior.  That’s reality.”  Check out today’s transcript for the rest….

Begin Mike Church Show Transcript

Mike:  Trump says, or was saying — of course he’s now — some of you may be interested to know that Donald Trump has now agreed with what I just said, which he should.  Now do the proper Christian thing.  Make a public act of contrition.  Humiliate yourself, and I think people will like you even more.  I don’t think that’s going to happen, but that’s what I believe is the proper course of action.  If I heap calumny on one of you, and I hope that I never do.  Maybe I’ll slip one day.  Maybe I’ve already done it and I haven’t apologized.  If I ever had done that, I apologize to all of you.  Please forgive me, my brothers and sisters.  If I do that, it is incumbent upon me to humiliate myself and then to go to the confessional and beg God to forgive me for bringing scandal to you, and for father to give me an act of contrition or an act of penance for me to perform with zeal.

We talked about ethics in the first hour.  Where are the ethics?  I try to explain to the audience, and I guess again I failed miserably, but I tried to explain to anyone who watched The Open Championship yesterday saw 21-year-old kids adhering to four-century-old rules, not only of athletic play but of virtuous, gentleman-like behavior.  That’s reality.  But we can’t expect that of American politicians or people that want to be president.  A golfer can do it but not a presidential candidate.  You want to award this behavior.  You can count me out.  I will never go along with that.  If you think that I would, why are you listening to this broadcast?

We have serious, grave problems. They’re not going to be fixed by clichés and insults and bravado and hyperbole and great, demonstrable acts of public pride and vanity.  That’s not going to fix them.  That’s why we have them.  That’s why we have them.  We don’t have those problems in spite of pride and vanity; we have them because of pride and vanity.  But you want to reward it.  Go ahead.  Go ahead, do it.  It won’t matter to me.  Here’s my email address,  If it makes you feel good, send it, brothers and sisters, send it.  I can’t wait to read it.  But what I will not do, must not do, and pray I never will do, is acquiesce to public acts of immorality and immodesty and a lack of humility.  Not going to do it.  Wouldn’t be prudent.

So do we expect to Jordan Spieth when he’s golfing yesterday with Sergio Garcia, knowing that Garcia allegedly poked fun at Tiger Woods or was a racist or whatever, do we expect Jordan Spieth to start joking with gallery members about: Sergio is not a good golfer.  He’s a racist.  I don’t know, maybe Spieth thinks that.  I fancy that he doesn’t.  He wouldn’t do it.  Do you know why?  Because he honors that code.  God, through the Magisterium of his church, and before that through the Old Testament, gave us a code.  It’s not up for your debate.  It’s not up for a vote.  You don’t get a vote on it.  You either humble yourself and abide it or you fall into a state of sin.  It’s as simple as that.  This isn’t hard to figure out.  God would not have made becoming a saint that difficult of a task.

FOLKS, a message from Mike – The Project 76 features, Church Doctrine videos and everything else on this site are supported by YOU. We have over 70, of my personally designed, written, produced and directed products for sale in the Founders Tradin’ Post, 24/7,  here. You can also support our efforts with a Founders Pass membership granting total access to years of My work for just .17 cents per day. Thanks for 17 years of mike! – Mike

[mocking] “We can’t apply that to politics.  This is politics.”  Yeah, that’s right.  Let’s not expect our politicians to be virtuous, moral, Christian people.  Gee, I wonder what will happen if we do that?  Maybe we’ll kill 53 million babies.  What a great idea.  Let’s do it again, shall we?  Let’s upend 2,000 years of recorded history and declare that men marry men and women marry women.  Nothing will happen with that, but let’s have politicians the crack good jokes.  This is serious business here.  If you’re not keeping score, we have abortion mills, abortion factories that are selling baby parts.  There are people out there writing defenses of this now as if it’s some kind of normal behavior, it’s to be expected.

End Mike Church Show Transcript

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Written by: AbbyMcGinnis

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