
The Cranes, Pt. I, Why Mordor on Potomac is Guaranteed to Grow

todayOctober 6, 2014 38


mordorMandeville, LA – Exclusive Transcript  “You’ll know that your vote for Congress is meaningless.  Your vote for president is meaningless.  Your vote for the Senate is meaningless.  You may as well go into the voting booth, sit down a pint of Jack Daniels or Jim Beam or Blanton’s or Maker’s Mark, pour yourself a shot, sip it, pretend like you’re voting, and then walk out.  You’d accomplish the exact same thing, except with the shot, you’d actually procure some enjoyment out of it. How do I know this?  Very simple: cranes.” Check out today’s transcript, in 2 parts, for the rest….

Begin Mike Church Show Transcript

Mike:  What makes you think if you elect a Republican Senate it’s going to be any different than it is with a Democrat Senate?  What makes you think if you elect a Republican Senate with a Republican House it’s going to be any different than it is with a Republican House and a Democrat Senate with a Democrat president?  What makes you think it’s going to be any different with a Republican Congress, a Republican Senate, and a Republican president?  Many of you fantasizes about Senator Paul becoming that president, and I don’t think that’s a bad idea at all.  I’d like to see it.  I don’t think it’ll change much because the inertia behind $4 trillion in spending per year, times four during the term of a president, the inertia behind that is a force of earth.  It is a manmade force that cannot be stopped by mere men.  You’re all wrong, all of you, those of you that believe reforms can fix this and amendments can fix that.  You’re all incorrect.

The size of Mordor on the Potomac, the size and reach and scope of the federal monstrosity is going to continue to grow.  It’s not going to abate.  It will continue to consume more of our resources.  It will continue after that to ask for more resources, not less, more.  It will exert more authority, not less.  It will become more tyrannical, not less.  The number of people that are in cahoots with it and have just thrown their hands up in the air and joined it like they did in the UK is going to increase.

How do I know this?  Barring a miracle from our Blessed Virgin Mother, maybe another Fatima with a warning that’s actually heeded this time, barring a miracle from our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ or from Almighty God, what man has put into motion is going to continue.  How can I say this with such authority?  How can I possibly know this?  Number one, I know human nature and continue to study it.  Number two, not only do we know human nature and know a little bit about how men working inside very powerful and large governments act — they don’t ever act to cut their own power.  We know this.

We have about 8,000 years of recorded history that says this.  You can count the times on one hand when men have acted to circumscribe and mitigate, minimize their own power.  It doesn’t happen.  It defies secular human nature.  There have been magnanimous kings that have done it.  There has been maybe one revolution that did it.  There may have been an act of a Congress, a very ephemeral one, that did it on a very ephemeral, meaning short-term, basis.  It’s never lasted.  What happens is that government and power goes back to doing what government and consolidated power does, which is to consolidate more power.

You drive around Mordor on the Potomac River and as far as the eye can see, near every exit, in every direction on every exit.  Whether you’re on 395, 495, inner belt loop, outer belt loop, doesn’t matter.  Cranes everywhere.

What evidence can I present to you that would convince you of this?  Well, as I said in yesterday’s program, if you live anywhere near Mordor on the Potomac River, Washington, DC, all that is required to become convinced of this and to see the evidence for it is to spend a day — it’ll probably take you about a day — driving around the outer beltways and loops of Mordor.  Just drive around.  That’s all you have to do.  You’ll know that your vote for Congress is meaningless.  Your vote for president is meaningless.  Your vote for the Senate is meaningless.  You may as well go into the voting booth, sit down a pint of Jack Daniels or Jim Beam or Blanton’s or Maker’s Mark, pour yourself a shot, sip it, pretend like you’re voting, and then walk out.  You’d accomplish the exact same thing, except with the shot, you’d actually procure some enjoyment out of it.

How do I know this?  Very simple: cranes.  [mocking] “Mike, you mean like birds?”  No, cranes, the ones that rise into the sky that have the ginormous booms on them that haul large beams 30 stories up into the sky, the ones that haul giant buckets of mixed concretes to pour the floors, the one that hauls all of the inner parts of the building that are going to be constructed together.  You drive around Mordor on the Potomac River and as far as the eye can see, near every exit, in every direction on every exit.  Whether you’re on 395, 495, inner belt loop, outer belt loop, doesn’t matter.  Cranes everywhere.

What are they building?  They’re building very tall, very large buildings.  For what?  Obviously it’s for the new deutronium 236 trade.  That was the fuel that powered the Jupiter 5.  You remember the Jupiter 5, right?  Dr. Smith, the Robinsons, Lost in Space.  That ran on deutronium 236, don’t you recall?  Obviously there’s a deutronium 236 discovery somewhere near Mordor.  We’re going to have to have all these buildings filled with all these salesmen and engineers.  Of course, that’s not it, is it?

Coffee.  There are new plantations on the Potomac.  It is to distribute the coffee trade.  Wait, there’s land that’s being claimed for the buildings with the cranes on them.  There could have been plantations near the Potomac.  So it’s not agriculture.  It’s not mineral.  Gee, I wonder what it could be.  Maybe it’s oil.  No, see deutronium example.  Maybe it’s steel manufacturing.  Hmm, probably not steel.  Probably not iron either.  Definitely not gold or silver.  They don’t want anything to do with that.  That is like kryptonite to a Mordorian.  You show them a gold or silver coin and they begin to turn blue, their temperature begins to drop, and death is imminent.

What are the cranes for?  Can any of you answer the question in a manner other than I answered it yesterday?  I’m of no special talent or skill other than being a realist, being a student of history, knowing how secular man devoid of any God or attachment to God acts and has acted for 8,000 years.  This is not hard to predict.  As a matter of fact, this may be the easiest prediction anyone could ever make.  Cranes everywhere.  What are the cranes building?  Buildings.  What’s going in the buildings?  Government, that’s what’s going in the buildings.  [mocking] “Mike, that’s not true because some of those buildings are — I know what — it’s a private entity.”  They’re connected.  They’re connected.  They’re either a non-governmental organization (NGO), they’re a contractor of some sort, they provide something to government, or they’re subsidized by government.

Cranes, cranes everywhere.  What are the cranes building?  Large buildings.  What’s going on in the buildings?  Not any commerce.  Oh, there’s commerce going on, but not like you and I call it.  This commerce is being directed by what?  Fiat currency.  Being directed by what?  Fiat currency ordered up by the Treasury Department, ordered up by the Congress.  We have bills to pay.  We have government to fund.  There’s no industry that necessitates this, other than bombing people in the third world back into the stone ages.  That’s part of the industry there.  Bombing people, destroying property and killing things.

What other businesses?  The business of medicine.  Wait a minute now, who’s running the medical field?  Not the doctors.  Not the hospitals.  The insurance companies.  What do the insurance companies have driving them now?  Oh, a mandate that everyone has to buy their product.  Who mandated it?  Government.  Who does the insurance company answer to?  Government.  Cranes, cranes everywhere, as far as you can see around Mordor.  What are they building?  Building heinous, despicable structures to house what?  Parasites.

This is how we know that government is going to grow.  These people would not put buildings up if there was any possibility whatsoever that the rug could be yanked out from under them, so to speak.  They’re putting their buildings up because they know how the game is played and they know regardless of who’s the president and regardless of who runs the Congress or the Senate, it doesn’t matter.  Mordor marches on.  That’s how they know.  You think the nitwit bankers would be showering these people with the tens of billions of dollars necessary to fund the buildings if they thought for a nanosecond that the Tea Party was going to end their little soiree?  Not only do they know that’s not going to happen, they’ve been assured that it’s not going to happen.

Cranes, cranes everywhere across Mordor on the Potomac.  What are they building?  Buildings.  What’s inside the buildings?  The people that will construct the edifices that will bring down the largest, most despicable, most corrupt democracy, mass democracy in the history of the human species, that’s what.  Just imagine.  Look at it on a map.  Look at Mordor on a map.  They’ve expanded outside the ten-mile square now.  That wasn’t enough.  The alleged federal city now encompasses a significant portion of the northernmost county in Virginia.  Cranes, cranes everywhere.  Seeds of destruction.

End Mike Church Show Transcript – Cranes, Pt I, Pt II is HERE

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Written by: AbbyMcGinnis

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