
The Disgrace of Catholic Prelates Acting Like American Democrats – The Mike Church Show

todayAugust 22, 2018 6

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    The Disgrace of Catholic Prelates Acting Like American Democrats – The Mike Church Show candacechurch

Mandeville, La

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The Cardinals, Bishops are acting like the Democrat Party here with this sodomite scandal.

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HEADLINE: Cardinal Tobin tells priests not to speak to press after ‘gay sub-culture’ claims

Nancy Pelosi Story – the check writing scandal (OPM = Other Peoples Money)

  • Homosexuality and Modernity are to blame here.
  • AUDIO from the Mike Church Show Band the Nancy Pelosi song The Queen of Pain
  • Nancy Pelosi also claims to be a ‘cradle Catholic’
  • These same Bishops and Cardinals have not called these politicians out so how did we think they were going to call our their FRIENDS that were acting this way?
  • Reading from headline – “In April 2014, Father Mark O’Malley, who was serving at St. Andrew’s College, experienced a serious personal crisis for which he received a psychological evaluation and subsequent therapy. In April 2015, he was deemed fit for priestly ministry. He hopes to serve as a hospital chaplain.”
  • This Priest had a hidden camera in another Priests bedroom!!!!
  • New Jersey – Chris Christie
  • Let’s act like Democrats and issue more confusion.
  • The cardinal closed his letter by expressing his hope that the sources cited by CNA were not really priests in the diocese. CNA responded to confirm they were.
  • Soo…..he is a liar?!
  • You have a news agency saying these people are definitely Priests.
  • This is what is called ‘Damage Control Mode’.
  • Let’s say for a moment we all agree with this, and we let the Holy Ghost work….
  • AUDIO: PRIEST on Fraternal Correction – human beings make judgements all the time! (Homily is almost 20 minutes long)
  • It appears the person meting out justice is not going to come from the Catholic Churches higher ups, it is going to come from the Attorney General of _____.
  • We are pleading with you to NOT spin this story!
  • We want you to DO something!
  • We don’t want to hear about your sadness or how you are hurt and troubled by this.
  • Something is seriously wrong in the hierarchy.

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HEADLINE: Capital Punishment and The Sex Abuse Crisis by Michael Pakaluk

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Back to Headline:  Capital Punishment and The Sex Abuse Crisis by Michael Pakaluk

  • If it’s in the Creed you don’t get a vote on it.
  • Genesis is History
  • Vengeance is the habit of earnestly wishing for and willing due punishment.
  • Pope Francis, in the previously cited letter, even seems to regard retribution as nonsensical: “When the death penalty is applied, people are killed not for current acts of aggression, but for offenses committed in the past. Moreover, it is applied to people whose capacity to cause harm is not current, but has already been neutralized, and who are deprived of their freedom.” 
  • People have drawn the line in the sand here.
  • We are not denying the indelible mark but we are denying that he can continue to use that title that comes with that mark.
  • FROM THE CHATROOM: If a man sexually abuses his children, he is separated from them by law and common sense. He is still their Father but cannot and should not have access to them. He should also be shamed for what he did.
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Special Guest Brother Andre Marie –

Follow Brother Andre Marie here – @Brother_Andre or

  • All the trimmings – like incense, nice vestments and chanting etc
  • Death Penalty –
  • Separation
  • Vengeance
  • Protection
  • When the order of justice has been disturbed, it must be corrected.
  • This is what modernity and the lazy practices has done to the faith.
  • A lame defense – they believed the professional ideologies that were advising them.
  • 1950’s it was KNOWN that the recidivism rate of a pederast is and was so high and they knew this in the 50’s.
  • In the 1960’s you get the sexual revolution and it’s psychological component.
  • Bill Donohue
  • Excerpt from earlier headline: Cardinal Tobin tells priests not to speak to press after ‘gay sub-culture’ claims
  • There is a certain order for Priests, we don’t want them running around bashing the Church.
  • When obedience is used to ruin the Church or to harm the Churches mission, that obedience is destructive.
  • If this Cardinal was doing his do-diligence, I could understand why he is doing that…but that is NOT what is happening here.
  • This Cardinal is ideologically on the WRONG SIDE!
  • He has been committed to sodomy.
  • Charles Coulombe will still be the MC for the St. Benedict Conference
  • While he is there getting his masters degree he will be writing a book on Blessed Carl. ReConquest interviewed Charles Coulombe about Blessed Carl. Episode 11
  • Without talking about how the Holy Father has missed the point here, I am going to discuss actual Clericalism.
  • Perfect example of Clericalism – Father is a Priest and he can do whatever he wants….however this Priest denied a few people communion for the WRONG reasons.
  • Celestial Hierarchy
  • Don’t trust anyone who preaches error. Unfortunately most laity today cannot tell the difference today.
  • Radio Replies – Leslie Rumble and Charles Carty
  • One cannot negate the other.
  • If you start to remove one piece, it is like a Jenga game.
  • *To teach, to govern, and to sanctify*
  • Bishops/Cardinals should invite these politicians that claim to be Catholic to talk. Instruct them as to what their obligations are. If they agree great, if they disagree then they will be required to GOVERN.
  • Truth Bombs – to steal David Simpsons script
  • So hard to bring people into the Church with all of these scandals. Do you really think it is harder now? This is fundamentally screwed up.
  • Example: not bringing people to the hospital b/c they heard one time someone got a staph infection
  • The Catholic Church has all the answers to all the existential questions in life…PERIOD! No one else does.
  • False Human Dignity stuff is clouding judgement.
  • Until we remove this false human dignity, we will not be able to solve this problem.
  • This is a multi-headed hydra here.

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Welcome to the final segment of The Mike Church Show Call 844-5CRUSADE Join our FREE LIVE chatroom at


HEADLINE: Man leads police to body, faces murder charge in Mollie Tibbetts case by Samira Said and Steve Almasy

  • Please in your daily prayers this week pray for the repose of her soul.


HEADLINE: The Cornerstone of Conservatism by Matthew Johnson

  • You cannot have Conservatism without Catholicism.
  • You have to keep the first commandment, both professionally and personally.
  • There is only ONE judgement.
  • You have ONE life to get it right.
  • We have it absolutely backwards here in America.
  • The STATE cannot create a perfection.
  • God can and has.
  • It has its perfection in the fact that it is a creation from God.
  • The Church IS the perfection.
  • What are we perfected through? Grace



HEADLINE: Trump Wields Signing Statements, Carves Up Defense Bill by Bruce Fein

  • What is this thing called a “signing statement”?
  • It is an invention, its a fabrication.
  • Line item veto –
  • Back in the 1990’s Congress controlled by Newt Gingrich
  • President Trump could veto everything if it came to him in the proper form.
  • So what is President Trump doing here?
  • Now I’m down to 51% again…because of this.
  • NDAA should have been vetoed. Talk about a Congressional overreach.

A Call To Arms: Join Me In The Confraternity of The CRUSADER Knights of The Most Holy Rosary

Special Guest Rick Barrett host of The Barrett Brief doing a rundown of what’s coming up next!

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Meta-tags for show

Brother Andre Marie, clericalism defined, Nancy Pelosi, Cardinal Tobin, gay sub-culture, Father Mark O’Malley, Chris Christie, fraternal correction, Steve Cunningham, Michael Pakaluk, capital punishment, Pope Francis, Bruce Fein, Matthew Johnson, Mollie Tibbetts, Samira Said, Steve Almasy, St. Benedict Center, SBC conference, NDAA, President Trump, line item veto, Newt Gingrich

Written by: candacechurch

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